A term applied to an alcoholic beverage made by fermenting the juice, fresh or concentrated fruit or berries.
Most of the wine, however, is obtained by fermenting the juice of fresh grapes and the term, in the absence of further clarification it is understood that responds to this second definition.
Argentine Food Code

Art 1092 - Means Grapes for wine, fresh fruit, mature, healthy and clean of Vitis vinifera L in different varieties and that once has not been harvested fermentation or dehydration any, or any other change its properties and natural conditions.
Products derived from grapes are:
 a) Must virgin grape: It is the juice obtained by expression or grinding of fresh grapes without seeds or stalks skins, while not begun to ferment.
 b) Mosto de uva en fermentación: It is the must in fermentation, whose alcohol content does not exceed 5% by volume.
 c) Must stabilized: It is the must whose fermentation has been prevented by pasteurization or sulfation according to authorized oenological practices.
 d) Must concentrate: It is the product obtained from grape must, by partial dehydration thermal vacuum or atmospheric pressure, without having undergone a sensitive caramelization.
 e) grape Arrope: It is the must concentrated by direct heating or steam heat and caramelized with a minimum of 500 g of reducing sugar per liter, expressed as dextrose.
 f) Grape Candy: It is concentrated by heating the juice with a higher degree of caramelization and containing not more than 200 g of sugar per liter.
 g) grape Chicha: It is the product resulting from the partial fermentation of the must stopped before reaching the 5% alcohol by volume and containing not less than 80 g per liter of reducing sugar.
Prohibited beer-making based on concentrated grape juice.
 h) Mistela: It is the product obtained by the addition of wine alcohol to grape juice until graduation maximum 18% alcohol by volume.
Grape juice or grape must used must have directly or after vacuum concentration or addition of concentrated must containing not less than 250 g per 1,000 ml reducing sugars (expressed as glucose).
Art 1093 - Wines genuine: Those obtained by the alcoholic fermentation of fresh, ripe grapes or fresh grape juice, made within the same production area.
Art 1094 - Regional Wine: It is the genuine wine produced in the provinces of La Rioja, San Luis, Catamarca, Cordoba, Jujuy and Salta or wines from other provinces that the National Wine Institute declared included in that denomination, which have no cuts or blends with other wines origin and development provided their grapes produced is used exclusively within the province and that the splitting is carried out at source.
Art 1095 - Support the following general types of wines:
 a) Common: Red wines, white, rosé or pink which are delivered to the consumer every year after completion of processing and / or respond to the conditions set for the Fine Wine Reserve or.
 b) Finos: Those who have earned a rating as such by the relevant official bodies on the basis of their organoleptic characteristics and their history officially selected grapes should be obtained with (appropriate), made with proper techniques and subjected to aging officially confirmed, of at least two years.
On the label of the containers may indicate the year of production.
 c) Reserva: They are white wines, red wines, rosé or pink which have undergone aging officially confirmed, at least two years.
 En los rótulos de los envases podrá indicarse el año de elaboración.
Art 1096 - Mistelas imported wines and for its registration must be accompanied by the certificate issued by laboratories in the country of production that have been specially authorized and must be duly authenticated.
Art 1097 - Not be regarded as genuine wines, followed by the mention of the production area, obtained by cuts to working in different production areas.
Coupage of imported wines with each other, as well as mixing with domestic wines.
Art 1098 - Special wines (dessert and / or generous):
1. Category A: Is the wine dry or sweet that no additions have an alcohol content of 12.5% ​​in volume and / or alcoholic wealth and power gained not less than 15 ° in volume.
2. Category B: It is dry or sweet wine whose alcohol content is not less than 15% by volume comes in part from the addition of wine alcohol at any time of processing.
3. Category C: It is the wine made at any time by adding the process of indistinct, together or separately any of the following products: concentrated must, sweet wine, syrup, candy and grape wine alcohol with a total alcohol content of not less than 15 ° in volume.
Art 1099 - Sparkling wine or sparkling: the whites, reds, pinks, obtained by a second fermentation in sealed container or with the addition of sucrose or concentrated grape juice.
Must dispensed to with a pressure not less than 4 atmospheres at 20 ° C.
Art 1100 - Aerated wine, he who is pure carbon dioxide added after finalization, that designation must be stated on the labels affixed to containers.
Art 1103 - Oenological practices shall be accepted as legitimate:
1. For musts: The addition of concentrated grape juice, wine alcohol, tartaric acid, citric, malic, tannic, sulfation, the use of heat or cold, selected yeasts, fining authorized concentration and cutting wines.
2. For wines: The addition of tartaric acid, citric, malic, tannic, sulfation, carbon neutral potassium tartrate, the use of heat or cold to ensure its preservation, employment, selected yeasts, the mixture of two or more different wines from working or crops, the alcoholization with wine alcohol limited to ensure the preservation or preparation of special wines, fining unauthorized use of calcium and phytate (desferrizantes).
3. The addition up to 250 mg per liter of sorbic acid or its equivalent in sorbates in fermentable sugar wines to be held in the cellar under control authorized.
4. Other oenological practicess supported by the National Wine Institute to meet reasonable care in higiénicosanitaria and have been previously approved by the national health authority when they understand the addition of additives.
Art 1104 - Prohibited the movement of wine:
1. Water added at any time they are established or with substances that have remained normal in wine, alter its composition or unbalance the relationship of its components.
2. Substances added to tales as dyestuffs, conservatives and antifermentos authorized, sweeteners, mineral acids and, in general, foreign substances that do not exist normally in musts.
 A estos productos se los clasificará como Vinos adulterados.
3. Obtained with raisins, marc and lees or feces. These products will be classified: artificial.
4. Damaged or altered by disease. These products will be declared unfit for consumption, may be intended for the manufacture of distilled vinegar or they are themselves for this.
Similarly mixtures will be classified wines with wines healthy patients or corrected (acids, maníticos, etc.).
When the wines are not noticeably sick but that contain disease germs, in the opinion of the competent authority, may be gone, his speech will be subjected to appropriate treatment to ensure its conservation.
5. Containing more than 2 g per liter of volatile acidity, expressed as acetic acid. These wines considered Altered.
6. Containing more than 1 g per liter of chlorides, expressed as sodium chloride or more of 1.20 g per liter of sulfates, expressed as potassium sulphate, these products shall be considered Adulterated.
7. Containing over 20 mg per liter of free sulfur dioxide or more than 300 mg per liter total sulfur dioxide, except Sauternes wines, in which be admitted up to 450 mg per liter.
These goods shall be handled and may be intended for use when, for aeration court is the place in terms of fitness.
8. Containing more than 120 mg of sorbitol per liter in locally produced wines.
Art 1105 - Is prohibited manufacture, display, sell and advertise products or mixtures for improving or adding flavor to wines or musts and colors, sweeteners or preservatives allowed, or any other substance intended to mislead consumers about their essential qualities, origin or class or to distort the analytical results or conceal an alteration.
Art 1106 - Wines and other products made from grapes, shall not leave the customs warehouse or without the prior analysis to establish their normal character and suitability for consumption and must, during circulation, possession and sale, reply to the original analysis, spontaneously with the variations may be experienced by natural evolution.
Art 1107 - In the packaging labels must indicate the area of ​​production and domestic wines can not use expressions that refer to foreign geographies.
The foreign names that imply a particular process of development and a particular quality may be used only for products with characteristics similar to those characteristic of mimicking.


Viticulture and Winemaking

Viticulture is the science devoted to the study and knowledge about Plant of grapewine and the work necessary for growth and  satisfactory fruiting.
Knowing the grapevine and care owed dispensing will improve the results of the harvest and, consequently, have a quality grapes, either for consumption or to direct the development of a good wine.
Viticulture and winemaking are therefore closely related.
In viticulture, will start talking about the plant itself from the vine, and  afterwards making a tour of the factors involved in growth and care that men should dispense.

Deciduous shrub belonging to the family of Vitáceas.
It is distributed by the central and southeastern Europe and southwestern Asia.
 It is a woody plant with twisted trunk and rough bark.
The leaves are palmate with very jagged lobes.
In stems, opposite the base of the leaves are elongated structures, the tendrils, which wind around the obstacles they encounter.
The flowers are small and green, and hang in clusters.
The fruits are globose and covered with fine white powder, are grapes.
The vine is of great economic importance because its fruit is used to make different types of wine.
The vines are vines or stems that climb along walls and fences through specialized organs called tendrils.
The leaves, venation pat, are opposite on the branches.
In most varieties, the vines are arranged opposite each successive two or three leaves.
The flowers are usually greenish, unisexual form clusters, sometimes every foot of plant bears only male or female flowers.
The fruit is formed on vines 2 years, which are cut after harvest.

Morphology of the grapewine
(Vitis vinifera L.)

Vine plant cultivated on commercial farms is composed by two
individuals, one is the root system (Vitis spp. American group, as most), called pattern or rootstock and, other aerial parts (Vitis vinifera L.),called spike or variety.
The latter is the trunk, arms and the branches who carry leaves, stems and buds. 
The union between both zones is performed through the grafting point.
The group is known by the name of strain.

Root system (roots)
The functions of the root system are:
• Anchor the plant to the ground
• Absorption of water and mineral elements
• Accumulation of reserve substances
Origin of the root system
1. Radicle from the seed.
It develops a taproot and pivoting.
From this will come the secondaryand of these, the tertiary and so on; with step ofyears the main root loses its dominance and secondary and tertiary become more important and related development.
This type of plants from seed are used only for breeding or breeding of new varieties.
2. Of adventitious: from cell differentiation of pericycle,also called rizógena layer.
They originate mainly at the nodes of the stem.
This type of root system comes from the multiplication by cuttings.
Can be of two types, overhead and underground.
to) Aerial roots: appear spontaneously in tropical and humid, and land in greenhouses. It can originate in trunks, arms, or branches.
b) Underground Estate: It is the most common.
In commercial plantations this comes from the rootstock ,root system or pattern made by the technique of root cuttings.
The root system is formed, initially, by between three to six primary roots that tend to explore the soil surface.
The angle between the main roots with an imaginary line perpendicular to the soil surface is called the angle of geotropism and is a genetic trait.
From the start , principal roots,  secondary roots are which tend to colonize the soil at depth.
From these roots come the tertiary and the latter, will the quaternary and so on until you reach the last branches, called radicelas or hairs that are renewed annually.
The whole forms a root hair. 
It is an adventitious root system, and branched fasciculated.
The extent of root system depends on the species, planting framework,soil type and cultivation techniques.
90% of the root system develops over the first meter of soil, with the majority between 40 and 60 cm deep
 Aerial part
The vineyard in spontaneous state is a vine, with its gnarled stems and
its tendrils when they find a tutor support or screw into it and climb in
search of light.
The aerial part comprises the trunk, arms or branches and shoots,called branches.

The trunk
The trunk can be roughly defined as the training system.
The height depends on the pruning, and is usually between the 0.0 m - in a glass of La Mancha - and 2.0 m - If a vine -.
The diameter can vary between 0.10 and 0.30 m.
It looks twisted, sinuous and cracked, covered externally by a bark that comes off in longitudinal strips.
What is known colloquially speaking as bark, anatomically corresponds to different layers of cells that are, from inside to outside, periciclo, líber, súber,  parénquima cortical y epidermis. 
The set is called rhytidome. 
The rhytidome is renewed annually due to the activity a layer called felogen, formed from cell differentiation the pericycle from the month of August every year generating cork outwards and felodermis inwards.
All tissues located externally to suber remain forming isolated dead tissue called rhytidome.
The functions of the trunk are:
• Storage of reserve substances
• Holding the arms and branches of the strain
• Management of water and sap

 Arms or branches 
They are responsible for conducting and distributing nutrients and vegetation
fruits in space. 

Like the trunk also are covered with a crust.
The arms carry the stems of the year, called  when herbaceous and
when are lignified is called 
Types of wood
a) Wood of the year: constitute the branch or branch, from which springs the yolk
it originates to pulling the sheet. Therefore comprises a growth period.
b) Wood 1 year
: are the branches from the fall of the leaf to the development of
he inserted buds. Includes all the winter rest period.
c) Wood 2 years
: after bud sprouting, the wood of a year
Wood called two years, is a second growth period. The wood of two
years supports the branches or shoots normal.
d) Old Wood:
those stems with more than 2 years old are renamed
old wood .

The  is an outbreak from developing a normal yolk.
The branch carries the buds, leaves, tendrils and inflorescences.
At the beginning of its development, the branches are herbaceous consistency but by August, will begin to suffer a range of changes that are going to give continuity,
lignify begin to accumulate reserve substances,gain consistency woody branches are renamed.
The branch is a stem consisting of a sequence of nodes - swollen areas - and internodes - space between knot and knot -.
The internodes are of increasing length to the fifth node, the fifth to fifteen remain constant and then are decreasing in length toward the apical.
The length can be between 1 cm in the case of first internodes of the branch and 15 to 20 cm in the middle.
In the insertion of the branch to the stem, called the crown, no internodes.
The diameter of the branch is variable that is still current between 1 and 2 cm in the central zone.
The section is elliptical.
The knots are widenings, more or less pronounced, where are inserted
different organs.
They can be perennial organs such as buds, or obsolete as
leaves, inflorescences and tendrils.
The sequence of nodes from the base to the apex is called ranges.
The range of an organ is the position of the knot that is embedded.
Bodies bearing the branches and the branches at the nodes

The leaves
The leaves are inserted at the nodes.
They are generally simple, alternate, distichous
angle of 180 º and ½ normal divergence. Composed and leaf petiole:
- Petiole: insert in the pompano.
Sheathed or widened at base, with two stipules that fall prematurely.
- Limbo: generally pentalobulado (five nerves that leave the petiole and
ramify), with the lobes more or less marked depending on the variety.
With serrated edge, intense green color in the beam on the underside, which has a
villi also more intense but there are glabrous.

The buds
Inserts in the knot, above the armpit of insertion of the petiole. There are two buds per node: normal yolk, which develops thicker
usually in the cycle following their training and early yolk or
advance that can spring the year of its formation, giving grandchildren development and fertility lower than normal branches.
If the tip does not come early in the year of their training, falls with first cold winter period does not exceed.
All of the vine buds are mixed and axillary.
Normal yolk, is of more or less conical shape and is constituted by a cone main growing season and one or two cones side vegetative.
These cones are formed by an embryonic stem, in which they differ  nodes and internodes, leaf and blanks if, the outlines of the inflorescences, and a meristem or apex caulinar at its end.
These cones vegetative are protected internally by one erases cottony and outside by two scales.

Classification of buds according to their position on the stem
1. Apex or terminal meristem. No yolk itself has no yolk structure.
Is a mass of undifferentiated cells that when active going generating, cell differentiation, all stem bodies.
When activity ceases, either by water deficit or early summer cold autumn, dies.

 It continues from year to year.
2. Axillary. Are the buds themselves. Dan the perennial nature
In each armpit knot or two types of axillary bud: the normal and early.
Of these axillary buds, which are close to the insertion of the branch,
yolks are called basilar or crown, also called casqueras.
The most visible and distinct from the latter is called blind yolk.

Classification of the buds by evolution
Normal yolk or frank, also called dormant or latent. Develops
cycle after its formation, giving a normal branch.
Early or early bud is the smallest bud located in the armpit of the
sheet. You can develop the same year of its formation, giving rise to the grandchildren
branches are less developed and more incomplete fertility and withering that the
main branch, having the smallest cycle. 

The grandchildren do not have pads of the crown internodes and all are more or less constant length.
The buds on old wood develop at least two years after its formation, are embedded in old wood.

 Are often old normal yolks crown branch that remained after the winter pruning of the vine and go diametrically growing trunk or arm have been embedded in the wood.
Spring when there is little load on either strain after a frost, hail, excess force or pruning desequilibras.
The branches that develop are called suckers.

Fertility of the buds

Is called fertility of a yolk the number inflorescences there in differ in one growing season.
This fertility is expressed in the vegetative cycle following.
The production of a strain depends, the number of buds left on the pruning and
of the fertility of these, of course will influence the ability of bud break, the size of the
inflorescence, flower number and percentage of fruit set.
Fertility of the buds depends on:
- The nature of the yolk: main cones are more fertile than the secondary.
The early buds are less fertile than normal buds.
- Position in the branch: the fertility of the buds increased from those in the
base to the middle of a shoot and then decrease again. It
Often the crown buds have no distinct clusters, except
very fertile cultivars as is the case of Airén.
- Variety: some varieties do not differentiate clusters or not of sufficient size, in
buds of the first knots in these cultivars is forced to leave branches long -
poles - in the winter pruning to ensure the profitability of the crop.
- Vegetative development of the branch: in general the highest fertilities obtained in
medium vigor shoots.
- Environmental conditions during the differentiation phase of the inflorescences,
fundamentally enlightenment.
The tendrils 
The tendrils are structures comparable to the stems.
They can be bifurcated, trifurcated or polifurcados.
Mechanical function and with the addition that only  lignified and remain, the tendrils that curl.
They have a holding function or climbing.
The tendrils and inflorescences have a similar origin with what is common to find intermediate states.
Tendrils, in the branches fertile, are always placed above the clusters. 

The distribution of earrings and / or inflorescences more frequently in the branch
is the regular discontinuous, characterized:
- Until the third or fourth node opositifolio no body
- Below are two consecutive nodes or cluster tendril
- The following free body and so on opositifolio
The sequence is as follows:
0-0-0-1-1-0-1-1-0- ..... 
1: cluster or tendrils. Above a tendril no bunches
0: absence of organs opositifolios
Clusters and inflorescences
The inflorescence of the vine is known cluster is a cluster
compound - peaks cluster -.
The bunch is an organ opositifolio, ie is situatedopposite to the sheet.
The vine has grown from one to three clusters per branch fertile.
Itare normal two clusters and rarely leave four. 
The cluster is formed by a main stem called peduncle until the
first branch.
The first ramification  generates is denominatedthe "shoulders "or "wings",
these and the main axis or rachis, are still branching several times, reaching
the latest ramifications called pedicels that are expanded on the end
constituting the floral receptacle bearing the flower.
Two consecutive branchesform an angle of 90 °.
To the set of ramifications of the bunch is calledscrape or stalk. 
Bunches of flowers presented a variable number depending on the fertility of the
buds that can range from 50/100 flowers for small to 1000/1500 in the large.
The final size and shape of clusters varies depending on the variety, clone and the state
of development.
Is called racime to bunches developed in the grandchildren, that once
fruiting rarely complete their maturation.
Sometimes they are given the name lumps. 

The flower  
The vines grown for their fruits are usually hermaphroditic. It comes
an inconspicuous flower, reduced in size, about 2 mm long and green.
The flower is pentamerous, comprising:
- Chalice: consisting of five sepals that give soldiers domed
- Corolla: consists of five petals joined at the apex, which protects the
androecium and gynoecium shedding in bloom. Is called
cap or calyptra.
- Androecium: five stamens opposite the petals constituted by a
filament and two lobes (teak) with longitudinal dehiscence and
introrsa. Inside the pollen sacs are located.
- Gynoecium: ovary superior, bicarpelar (carpels) with two ovules per
carpel. Short style and stigma slightly expanded and depressed
the center.

The fruit  
It is a berry size and shape variables.
More or less spherical or oval, and on average 12 to 18 mm diameter.
There are three parts:
Skin (epicarp) is the outermost part of the grape and as such it
protection of the fruit. Cutinizada epidermis membranous, elastic.
On the outside it appears a waxy coating called bloom.
The bloom is responsible for fixing the yeast ferments the wort and also acts as a protective layer.
The color of marc phenological varies by state in which is located.
In the phase is green grass and from veraison is yellow in
white varieties, and pink or purple, red varieties.
Is responsible for the color, because that is where reside the polyphenols that give color to the wine (anthocyanins and flavonoids).
In sharks varieties (Grenache shark) also accumulates in the flesh coloring matter.
Pulp (mesocarp) represents most of the fruit.
The flesh is translucent varieties except sharks (build here their coloring matter) and very rich in water, sugars, acids (mainly malic and tartaric acids), flavorings, etc..
Is traveled by a fine network of beams conductors, denominating brush to the
extension of the bundles of the pedicel.
Nuggets: the seeds are seeds surrounded by a thin layer (endocarp) that
They are rich in oils and tannins.
Are present in number from 0 to 4 seeds per berry.
A seedless berry is called Berry apirena.
Externally there are three different areas: beak, belly and back.
Inside we found the albumen and embryo.
Further reading
Chauvet A. and Reynier. 1984. Viticulture Manual. Oxford University Press. Pp. 279.
Huglin P. and C. Schneider. 1998. Écologie et Biologie de la Vigne. Lavoisier. Pp. 370.
All Martinez F. 1991. Biology of the vine. Biological foundations of viticulture.
Oxford University Press. Pp. 346.
P. may 2004. Flowering and fruitset in grapevines. Lytrvm press. 119 pp..
M. Mullins, A. Bouquet and LE Williams. 1992. The structure of the grapevine:
vegetative and reproductive anatomy. In: Biology of the grapevine. Cambridge
University Press. 239 pp.


This species begins its life cycle apparent sprouting, which begins in September and October, according to the temperature conditions of each area and the different varieties.
The commercial vineyards planted in the spring usually starts from root grafts or cuttings a year.
The roots are trimmed to a length of between 7.5 and 10 cm, and the vines are planted at a distance of 2.4 to 3 m.
Later outbreaks are pruned all except the most vigorous, which is trimmed so that only stay two or three buds.
This is repeated in the spring during the next two years.
The plant is obtained form a strong main stem, like a small trunk, before you leave fruition.
These stems vigorous remain upright without need of supports.
When extended, the vine is attached to a vertical tutor 2 m or more.
Upon reaching the stage of fruiting vines are pruned carefully to reduce the number of buds, shoots as arising from the remaining buds are more prolific and best quality grapes are.The buds on the vine showing this activity as it passes through various stages, which influences the primordium growth or microscopic outbreak is preformed from the previous growing season.
In its drive appears first outside cottony fabric mission was to serve as thermal insulation this winter primordium.
This cotton bud soon opens to vent the outbreak, a stage that is called green tip.
In the beginning, and for approximately two weeks, shoot development is slow.
However, in a second phase begins rapid growth and very active, which is kept ten or twelve weeks, during which the green tissue volume increases tremendously vital processes occurring simultaneously the most important.
All that the producer made at this stage in their treatment of the vegetative mass, will be of utmost importance for achieving favorable results from its cultivation.
At the same time, the mistakes you make, it will strongly influence, negative consequences may not only affect the production of this growing season, but future.
To explain the relationship between these phenomena whose understanding of fundamental importance we feel we must go back to the Formation of the primordia in the buds of this plant.
The yolk of the vine is located in the bud, laterally, located in the armpit or angle leaf petiole insertion with him the same outbreak.

Is noticeable from very early as a small promontory that in the same way that the leaves has a sequence of alternating and opposite position.
Altogether this petiole insertion and yolk receives the name of knot.
In the European vine, these knots are distributed along the outbreak, from the second yolk, in groupoid to three.
Thus, if we number from base to apex, nodes 2 and 3 will, at a position opposite to the bud and petiole, inflorescence or fruit clusters according to the season.
The node 4 will not have any organ in the opposite position.
Nodes 5 and 6, according to variety, have clusters or tendrils, prehensile organ which aims to secure the outbreak footholds attached to prevent damage to their weight.
The node 7, again be free from opposite organ.
Nodes 8 and 9 again submit tendrils.
On 10 anything. The 11 and 12, tendrils.
 El 13 nada y así sucesivamente hasta el extremo apical.
From what we can point out two facts described:
a) The inflorescence of the vine occupies a lateral position in the outbreak, followed in knots when they are two, and 

b) that certain varieties can find a second pair of nodes to clusters, but separated from the first by an empty node, or other, in this position find earrings in pairs throughout the outbreak.
 La existencia de estos zarcillos demuestra que la vid, en su hábitat natural o al estado silvestre, es en realidad una enredadera.
Bunches, like basal sector of the outbreak, and the leaves and petioles of the same, well as the first tendrils, are preformed in the buds from the previous vegetation, and must also be noted that each yolk possesses a minimum of three primordia and a maximum of eight, which usually only the center, larger clusters have, exceptionally, to a lesser degree, some of the side.


Planting a vineyard requires a special technique. 
And is not that the vine is planted as wheat and barley, that is, the grower does not take a seed into a furrow previously opened with a plow, as do farmers want to plant when, for example, wheat. 
The vine, however, is planted by cuttings. 
 Cut a branch from the parent plant, the plant will be born daughter with the same characters.

This at least is the traditional technique used by growers from
for centuries and until very recently. 
They were cut into pieces, called pegs or stakes, depending on their size, and then creeping into land for to take root and would lead to a new plant which naturally was not a true daughter, but rather the same mother plant.

Of this form was saved the danger of deviations in the nature of the variety and could be a vine that produces grapes, thick, juicy and sweet give rise to another vine bring forth grapes, thick, juicy and sweet.
Reproduction by cuttings allowed, therefore, maintain a rigorous
continuity in the varieties, and, therefore, was adopted by the viticultors.

However, in methods of viticulture progress has been less spectacular. 
Consist the main progress that have been obtained cuttings and slips free of viruses. 
One of the procedures used for this purpose is called thermotherapy and consists essentially of heating the cuttings properly to remove viruses. 
Another procedure consists in select free of virus strains.


When you decide to make planting a vineyard there are a number of
decisive factors, permanent, no practical possibility of
correction in the course of his life, such as the Framework for Planting and Planting Density.
In its determination depends on the unit root space available to the vine
and the corresponding air volume.
From the combination of both factors with
other taxes or elected elements involved in the development of a
vineyard depends performance, quality and a possible mechanization of farming.

Planting framework

Any distribution of planting a vineyard tends to be done in a form geometric and homogeneous, except for irregular distributions vineyards are rare at present.
The most frequently used distribution ago years when the current machining needs were not so necessary, is the real context, which means that every four strains form a square.
In this way the entire plantation is distributed in a nearly uniform.
More uniformity within plantations and vineyards have real tresbollillo distributions, even though its use has been more restricted.
In this type of framework planting three strains form a triangle adjacent equilateral.
In this way, for a same separation between plants is obtained a greater planting density and consequently a better exploitation apparently terrain.

However, this provision presents greater difficulties of crop mechanization.
The plantation system of higher current use,when it comes to support a high density planting with mechanization of the crop is planted on streets or in rectangular frame.

Planting density

This is the number of vines per hectare which varies naturally
adapting to the cultural conditions and availability of the medium.
When planting density increases or decreases, the roots of each strain may
develop in a lesser or greater surface respectively, and the concurrence
exerted between two neighbors is more or less severe with what the potential
vegetative decreases or rises, respectively.

Usually in poor soils and the too permeable, which soon dried, plantation densities are lower than when it comes fertile soil and retaining moisture better.
Other factors besides soil characteristics, which influence of shape instrumental in the establishment of planting density are climate: more density in spring and summer climates with long, hot and dry pruning: it seeks greater plantation density when it comes to pruning short; the fertilizer and tillage of the land: increased with higher planting density
care of these elements.
Is not incompatible obtain quality grapes with high densities of
planting, as long as you master the relationship factors quality / density of planting, such as soil, climate, vineyard training systems, competition between strains, pruning, etc..


The vine is a plant, a living being is born, grows, reproduces and dies. To the
early winter only seen a stout trunk with sturdy arms which out long branches (branches).
Still can not see the roots or leaves, flowers and fruit.
The plant is located in the "winter sleep" because both soil as the atmosphere are very cold.
Consequently, the liquid frozen ground can barely move, and if they do it is with great difficulty.
It is a period in which the roots can not absorb nutrients or send them to the leaves, and therefore they disappear.
During winter sleep the plant is pruned by removing the branches last year and retain, only, pieces,buds more or less depending on the chosen type of pruning.
In February (European) temperatures reach 10 degrees, the roots begin to absorb
liquids from the floor where the food is
This liquid escapes through the wounds pruning. 
This is the "weeping" of the vineyard.


The year continues and with it the growing cycle of the plant. 
The temperature rises and the cells of the buds, wet with the absorbed water, are born, multiply and become differentiated into branches, leaves and bunches. 

This is the period of "outbreak" that is followed of "growth" greater or lesser depending on ambient temperature, the field and the type of vine. 
The "bloom" occurs in the month of May, and is then when flowers bloom in dense flower clusters grouped.

It caps off a flower and is free with your pestle and five stamens. 
The air then begins to transport pollen from the stamens until the pistil during the process of "pollination." 

Playback is already in up and begin to form the grapes by growth of the pistil. 

The mild temperatures and abundant rainfall contribute to the optimal bit "Curdled" and development.
During the summer months, the vines are dressed with long branches, leaves and
are overgrown and very tight clusters.

 In late July, as consequence of the elevated temperatures the plant suffers a decay, which is known as the "summer shutdown".
However, this is only apparent because a break strain continues their work. 
The grapes are getting fatter until it produces the "ripening" that is,
the moment in which the grapes begin to change color from slowly bright green to pale red or yellow inks on white light. 
The "Vintage" is imminent. 
Shortly after veraison, the grape has reached the stage of maturation enough to be vendimiada and, moreover, is loaded reserves to respond to shooting next year. With the arrival of cold, leaf fall and the growing cycle starts again with the "winter sleep".


With the word designating the different pruning cuts and deletions that run in the branches, arms, and exceptionally, trunk, and in parts herbaceous (branches, leaves, clusters, etc.) which are held every year.
The grapevine is a climbing plant.

If left to grow freely, develops a provided with tendrils very long trunk, which holds that the first support
located. In fact, forests, wild vine grows pinned to the logs of trees.

 To achieve this control on the growth of the plant had to be used, of course, to pruning.

With pruning, the aim is to drive the plant, giving it a determined to limit their production of branches and regulate their production of fruit.

When pruning, the producer must choose carefully what cut branches.

To do this, look how many buds have the strain and how to respect. 
The buds are formed on the nodes that appear at intervals in the shoots. 
Swell in spring, giving rise to new shoots. 
Therefore, according to the number of buds that are left in the plant, are achieved more or less outbreaks. The number of buds left after pruning thus determines the burden. 
Theoretically, it seems that the more load has a plant, more bunches will. 
This is true, but until certain limits.
From a maximum, by many buds that are left will not be earned more clusters, so there is not to give too much load, since the weight of bunches is also limited. 
Another fact that must be present in the time of pruning is that the load and the vigor of the plant are concepts almost conflicting.
 The more and more load is required to harvest the plant, the more weakens and shortens life. 
This is known as as "exhaust vineyard"
The vine has a capacity to produce grapes, and the earth also has a certain capacity which can not be overcome. 
So not worth it planting too many vines per hectare, or piling too many strains in a field. 
Has to be maintained an optimum balance.
One of the cultivation operations more difficult to machine is the pruning, although spectacular advances have been achieved. 
Firstly, the utensil classic pruning, ie scissors, has benefited from some improvements that tend to reduce the physical effort it takes to handle it. 
Moreover, today there implements that bind to the tractor. 
In essence, they are sharp blades or wheels rotating at enough speed and reap the branches by the end. 
The task of the pruner is or winter, and spring, which is green. 
Pruning is essential winter, when the plant is in a state of dormancy, leafless or clusters. 
In those conditions, the sap does not circulate by her and, therefore, you cause as little damage as possible, giving you the ability to recover easily. 
 Actually, this pruning should be short, but sometimes, a budding lush partially alters the way we intend to give to the vine. In that case, we proceed to perform a corrective pruning in green above the ground and
The latter is always pruning in spring when budding is still young and injury is therefore minimized.
Winter pruning can be done in multiple ways, depending on the arrangement given to the various parts of the strain: trunk, arms, thumbs or twigs and buds. 
The vine is a plant that lends itself to take all forms want to be given, but when looking at them this way is utilitarian purposes that subject to conditions determined by them are different systems define driving at the time of pruning.
In this form of driving, the vine is led by trellises, so that the branches are directed through the trellis wires. Exist many systems within this group, the common ones are Gordon, Guyot and Cortina.
It is called "cord" when one or both arms are driven in parallel the soil at a certain height. 
In these arms are inserted at regular distances
successful elements, generally thumbs, from which the branches sprout carriers of bunches.
The system "Guyot" is based on elements simultaneously leave long pruning (rods) and elements of short pruning (thumbs) from which the branches sprout carriers. 
The system in "Cortina" is similar to Cordon but with arms located higher off the ground, more suitable for high humidity locations. 
Of this form is homogenized the plant, it regulates its load, and increases the leaf exposure, being more used to the system and average yields elevated. 
Other systems are the most innovative lire, smart-henry, in cane, Thomery loft and, among other.
In grapevine
Is a form usual driving in places of high humidity as is the case
of Galicia in Spain, based on successful elements to deliver high
height above ground level, resting on a horizontal base.
In glass
It is a form of classical conduction, adequate for low yields and low humidity. This system is based on short arms left thumbs located near the trunk of small height, giving the classic form of "candelabrum".
Of these fingers sprout branches bearing clusters. 
Apart from the winter pruning, there is, as already explained, spring pruning, which is
always complementary to the previous one. In spring, above all, the removal
winter outbreaks. 
You may sprout buds in winter, which is the often called adventitious buds. These new shoots that distort the scheme winemaker intended to give the strain. To eliminate tearing it runs the vineyard before they harden. 
Of this mode is achieved maintain the shape that the winter trimmer wanted to give the plant.
Another very common operation is the removal of side shoots. 
These stems are called grandchildren and, therefore, this operation normally receives the name of "desnietado", and has supporters and detractors. 
Some also opt for partial desniete, in which only deleted stems that give too much
The higher feeding the clusters are preserved.
Within the green pruning, there is another practice known as tipping.
As its name suggests, the emergence involves removing the tips of the shoots. Thus, the plant does not have to waste wood and sap in developing leaves, and dedicated only to clusters.
Also takes place, sometimes, defoliation or thinning of leaves. 
This operation is performed in sites of little insolation, so that between air and light to bunches.
Obey, therefore to particular causes. 
Other thinnings that are implemented are the outbreaks and clusters, usually practiced in the vines for to the production of table grapes faces. 
Removing some outbreaks or clusters to half-formed, the remaining benefits, which will be bigger and better presence.
In any case, all these operations are pruning, as stated at first, complementary. Some are very convenient, but most are reserved only for special cases
From the point of view as a living vine, fruit ripening is reached when the seeds acquire the ability to viability and they can germinate to form new individuals, denominating it as physiological maturation.
This event occurs in the days following the veraison, at which the supply of nutrients that are the grapes, it deviates from the seeds completed their training and begin to accumulate in other tissues of the berry: pulp and skin, thereby initiating their maturation.
The use of the harvest by humans, either for processing into wine, or in other cases to be consumed fresh as table grapes, raisining, preparation of must, and so on.
Leads to define the maturity with another different criteria and according to their destination.
Then established the concept of industrial maturity, which is very difficult to adopt a rigorous definition of it, because there is no clear and precise physiological state that determined.
From a physiological standpoint, the ripening begins when the grapes lose weight by evaporation of water in it, and by the combustion cell, so that comes to define the maturity of the grape, like the previous moment where that exists the greatest amount of vintage possible, with the largest concentration of sugars, ie when reaching per unit area increased production of sugars.

This concept of maturity can be valid in certain situations, but in the development of certain quality wines is not so, because apart from sugars, form other compounds that may have more technological interest and do not always coincide with the maximum accumulation sugars, although almost always produces a parallel between the two phenomena.
Other considerations, apart from quantitative or qualitative aspects of the vintage should be taken into account when fixing the date of harvest and usually external in nature, sometimes insurmountable, contributing to affect the optimum time of collection. One factor may be psychological, as the producer tends to harvest as soon as possible in order not to expose your harvest to the uncertainty of potential disasters that might occur on the vineyard.

Another factor may be correct climate, rainfall can occur that impede the realization of the harvest, leaving the water inaccessible and impassable in the field of culture, as well as its approaches.
The availability of labor for the harvest, is another factor that may influence the execution date of collection.
It is also difficult to resist in a viticultural area to the "temptation" to start the harvest, when other growers are already doing and there is a kind of collective rainfall in the grape harvest.
Traditionally the harvest date was set based on experience and practice of many vintages made in the vineyard, not the data being far from negligible, but to achieve certain levels of quality control in manufacturing processes, it is necessary to establish a to estimate systematic maturation by determining the rates of maturation, which calculated each year, will provide valuable information to predict the optimum time of harvest the grapes as needed or destination of the grape.

  Sampling of the vineyards.

First, it must carefully divide growing zone in homogeneous units to control culture, where it believes its production will be homogeneous throughout the years.

Group the vineyards and fields with the same variety growing clone, also having an area of ​​similar characteristics, with similar microclimates, with the same systems driving the similarly grown, and so on., So that before establish a systematic control, have a clear mapping information of the places where they will attend the sampling.
Depending on the extent of each parcel or unit of control, sampling will take place on the vines, taking in exceptional cases, a number of grapes, enough on the one hand, to better represent the monitored surface, ie its number depending on the extent, and moreover have enough material to perform the analytical tests you want to set.
As minimum value is sufficient to have 200 to 250 berries of grapes per each surface unit sampled, although in some exceptional determinations sampling is done with whole bunches, being sufficient in this case collect a minimum of 3 to 4 per unit control.

Some systems prefer to select from the vineyard to sample plot, a number of strains on year after year, work is carried out, choosing the order of 6 to 10 strains the most representative and properly marking them to continue their control over time.
It is very important to select properly these vines, to represent their produce on average the reality of the vineyard, or not choosing the most vigorous, nor weak, nor those in higher topographic positions, or in the lowest , etc.
In case of deviations between the results of sampling and vintage harvested, indicate a poor selection of vines, which should be rectified in the next campaign.
Other systems do not select a certain strains, if the sampling is done randomly from different vineyard vines and better if you set one or more travel streets that cross the parcel addresses to better understand all the differences and singularities of same.
Operating properly and rigorously, this is preferable to the previous system because it eliminates the added risk of making a poor selection of vines.
Just as with vines, the grapes selected should represent the average of the vineyard ripening conditions, it being necessary to instruct and mentalizing in this regard to people who do this work, because of his objective results depend study.
Berry clusters are taken from each side of the vine, clusters located in the upper and lower in those who are most exposed to the sun and they are shaded, and so on. Within each cluster, it will pick berries from the top and bottom, the more advanced or mature and further back, those located on the outside and the inside, the larger and smaller, etc..
Operand always with the criterion, so that if repeated several times this work, always would get the same or almost the same result.
Samples of the vineyards are beginning to realize from the time of ripening, repeating throughout the ripening period, initially distancing one or two weeks, falling gradually as you approach the date of maturity and vintage, being able to reach the final determinations almost daily. A very important aspect of sampling is that each parcel should be assessed at about the same time of day to avoid deviations motivated by the logical data daily fluctuations of the grapes and best made possible past dew hours, ie starting at 10 or 11 hours of the morning.
The information gathered during several campaigns, is a source of useful data to adjust more and more precisely the optimal date of initiation of the harvest sampled in each vineyard and even to get to predict well in advance.
  Indices of maturation.
They are called maturation rates to certain states of the grape, or certain formulas or systematic, are proposed to estimate from the technological point of view, the industrial maturity of the grapes and thus able to set the best time to collect.
Maturation rates meet in the following groups:
-Indices or general characteristics of maturing external.
-Indices of physical maturation.
-Chemical maturation indices.
-Indices of physiological maturation.
-Indices or general characteristics of maturing external.
These indices are based on organoleptic analysis of grapes, ie the visual impression that we produce, as well as touch, taste in even olfactory.
Of all the indices of maturation exposed, this is the oldest group, as well as in the Alonso de Herrera sixteenth century in his General Agriculture, Chapter vintage, describes the maturation of the grapes saying quote:
"The harvest is to be done when the grapes are ripe, than those harvested before the grapes are perfectly ripe, make wine with little strength, and hard, and it takes more than pick grapes make wine Deven not such, and cloudy, and sweet, and if they bad rains and acedase, and commonly this is buelve by esso have to pick grapes seasoning is Quando.
What is vintage raining devenlo to partar of the other: it is less hard and goodness. The signals to and to know Quando harvest the grapes are are these. Quando clear and roasted grapes, and blonde, and the sweet taste, that has nothing to acedo, or Quando within the grain of color have moved. If this is separates white grape duck, and if separated brown brown. Or take a thick bunch grapes, and if your day is enfangosta not be the place the grapes, not ripe, still grows, more if the place is as big as before, is a sign of perfect ripeness. Or if squeezing a pimple or two, the grain comes out clean, it indicates that it is ripe. But if covered with leaves of the grape, is not yet ripe, And when the clusters acorvan much the branches. Quando grape is lean and pink and have it wiped away the sun, the wine will be harder and hard, and if verdionda, or wet, bad wine and hard becometh little ".
When you reach industrial maturity of the grape, it can be seen in the following external characters:
-The cluster is presented hanging and a loss of stiffness that had before maturity.
-The grape itself takes on the color of your choice and it appears with a soft but elastic.
-The stalk is woody or scrape.
-The berries are easily detached from the stalk or stem, being attached at the end of it in the brush, some portion of pulp. If the grapes were still green at the end would leave only the fibrils.
-The flavor of the grain is soft, sweet and pleasant. The must is viscous and sticky to the touch view.
-The seeds are easily separated from the pulp, carrying adhered to them a small portion of this.
-By pressing the berries through his fingers, tearing the skin and flesh out cleanly.
-The grape varietal aromas sometimes own.
There is a curious method developed by M. Ruiz Hernández, to determine sensory maturation of the grape harvest inks. Taking in hand 10 and oppressing berries, remove the pulp and juice into a container, where 15 minutes is performed observing its color. These skins once crushed, rinsed with water and put one between the incisors, making three successive moderate chews. The first impression received is discarded, taking into account the second sensation, which is of aroma appreciating by retronasal; well as also the third part evaluates the taste.
Other authors (J. Rousseau and D. Delteil) have developed another method of sensory analysis of grapes, segmenting the analysis in the three main parts of the grapes: pulp, skins and seeds, and involving the senses of sight, touch and taste. The analysis is performed on three berries, establishing a total of 20 parameters, where its characteristics are evaluated on four levels, corresponding to increasing levels of maturity.
-Visual and tactile examination of the berries:
1.Fitness crushing of the berries. Before separating the berries from their pedicels, squeezed between the fingers and assess their ability to rupture, increasing it with the maturity of the grape.
a. Baya hard breaking under heavy pressure.
b. Slightly deformed berry, very elastic and recovering its initial shape.
c. Berry easily deformed, slightly plastic and slow to recover its initial shape.
d. Soft berry, breaking totally with a slight pressure.
2.Ability to flail. Separate the berries of the pedicel, evaluating its ease of shelling, which increases with the degree of ripeness.
a. Strongly adhered Berry, the pedicel is separated hard and breaks the skin.
b. Berry attached, the pedicel is separated with difficulty and drag a piece of flesh.
c. Easy separation Berry, the pedicel carries a small portion of pulp not colored.
d. Berry easy separation, dragging little pulp and red varieties showing a brush colored.
3.Color the grapes. Increases with maturation, making a note in case of heterogeneity of color and especially the insertion of the pedicel.
Score                              Red cluster                          White cluster
1                                        Rosa o rojo pálido                      Verde o amarillo pálido
2                                        Rojo                                             Amarillo
3                                        Rojo sombra                                 Amarillo pajizo
4                                        Negro violáceo                             Amarillo ambarino

-A taste of pulp
Put the berries in the mouth, remove the pulp of each berry pressing them with her tongue and palate, keep the pulp of the three berries and spitting the pips and skins.
Pressing after extracting the juice pulps.
4.Adhesion of the skin and pulp. Decreases with the maturity of the grape.
a. Pulp strongly adhered to the skin and pips.
b. Pulp fraction adhered to the skin, assessed visually, or between the toes, or between the teeth.
c. Inconspicuous pulp fraction in the skin and the subsequent freeing must chew the skins.

d.Sin pulp fraction visible in the skin and without release of subsequent chewing wort.
5.Sugar in the pulp. Evaluate the sensation perceived after separation from the skins, mixing the wort of the three berries. Increases with the degree of maturation.
a. Unsweetened pulp.
b. Pulp moderately sweetened.
c. Sugary pulp.
d. Sugary pulp.
6.Acidity of the pulp. Evaluate the sensation perceived after separation from the skins, mixing the wort of the three berries. Decreases with maturation, although it should be balanced with sugars in ripe vintages feeling is acidic.
a. Slightly acidic pulp.
b. Mildly acidic pulp.
c. Acid pulp.
d. Very acid pulp.
7.Aromas of pulp. Evaluate the sensation perceived after separation from the skins, mixing the wort of the three berries. Increases with maturation.
a. Herbaceous.
b. Neutral.

d. Jam.
8.Dominant aromas intensity of the pulp. Evaluate the sensation perceived after separation from the skins, mixing the wort of the three berries. It depends on the grape varieties, not necessarily increase with the degree of maturation.
a. Weakly intense.
b. Moderately intense.
c. Intense.
d. Very intense.
-Tasting the skin:
After analyzing the pulp, put back in the mouth separate the skins, keeping the seeds in hand. Chew with the molars of 10 to 15 times, always with the same number of movements.
9.Suitability of laceration or rupture of the skins. Increases with maturation of the grape.
a. Marc hard, presence of coarse fragments at the end of mastication.
b. Marc hard, presence of fine fragments at the end of mastication.
c. Skin that breaks easily, with formation of a homogeneous paste.
d. Marc that breaks very easily, with formation of a homogeneous mass very quickly.
10.Intensity tannin from the skins: Pass the chewed mass twice back and forth between the tongue and palate.
a. The language glides effortlessly on the palate.
b. The language is slightly slowed.
c. The tongue moves with some difficulty.
d. The tongue moves with great difficulty.
11.Acidity of the skins: After evaluating the tannins, acidity do with the chewed mass. Decreases with maturation, although it should be balanced with sugars in mature vintages are acid sensations.
a. Low-acid peels.
b. Moderately acid peels.
c. Acid peels.
d. Very acid peels.
12.Astringency from the skins: Evaluate the mechanical difficulty of passing the upper lip on the incisors, after passing the mass of chewed husks between his upper lip and the outer face of the upper incisor teeth.
a. The lip glides smoothly through the gum.
b. The lip is slightly braking.
c. The lip slides with difficulty.
d. The lip slides with great difficulty.
13.Dryness of the tannins: Evaluate the ease of saliva and tactile sensations of sweetness grade or "grain" of fineness of the tannins, after passing the mass of skins chewed by the palate. Decreases with maturation.
a. The language glides effortlessly over the palate without any difficulty salivation and feeling "fine grain".
b. The language is slightly slowed, brief salivation and difficulty feeling of "medium grain".
c.La tongue moves with difficulty, salivation difficult for a few seconds and sense of "coarse".
d. The tongue seems glued to the palate, salivary difficulty for more than 5 seconds, feeling aggressive on the palate.
14.Aromas from the skins: To assess the dominant aromas. Increase with the degree of maturation.
a. Herbaceous.
b. Neutral.
c. Fruity.
d. Jam.
15.Dominant flavor intensity of the skins: It depends on the grape varieties, does not necessarily increase with the degree of maturation.
a. Weakly intense.
b. Moderately intense.
c. Intense.
d. Very intense.
-Visual examination and taste of the seeds: Assess the color of the seeds. If there are traces of green, not as strong astringent taste them saturate the mucous membranes of the mouth. Otherwise, break the seeds with the incisors and evaluate its hardness, then chew with the molars, evaluating the other characters.
16.Color Nuggets: Increases with the degree of maturation of the grape.
white or greenish yellow a.Color.
b.Color greenish brown.
Taupe c.Color.
dark brown d.color.
17.Suitability of broken seeds: Increases with maturation of the grape harvest.
a.Presencia a thick mush peripheral heavy pressure from the incisors to break the kernel.
b.Presencia soft mass with a thin peripheral heavy pressure from the incisors to break the kernel.
c.Casi absence of peripheral soft dough, hard but crunchy nugget.
d.Ausencia of soft peripheral mass, the nuggets break easily.
18.Aromas of seeds: Evaluated after the break with the incisors and chewing with the molars. Increase with the degree of maturation.
b.Verde, herbaceous.
19.Tannic strength of nuggets: Evaluated using the same technique of measuring the intensity tannins from the skins. Decreases with the maturation of the grape.
a.La tongue glides effortlessly over the palate.
b.La language is slightly slowed.
c.La tongue moves with difficulty.
d.La tongue moves with great difficulty.
20.Astringency of the seeds: Evaluated with the same measurement technique that astringency from the skins. Decreases with the maturation of the grape.
a.The lip slips easily through the gum.
b.The lip is slightly braking.
c.The lip slides with difficulty.
d.The lip slides with great difficulty.
The sensory profile of the vintage is represented by a histogram of four levels and 20 parameters, the results can be interpreted according to the qualitative table attached, expressing the results of a summary form with the form below as an example:
Type of maturity                    1      2    3      4          Decisiones a adoptar
Good technological maturity maturity X sugar -
acidity, but without maturity
Aromatic and aromatic maturity X film.
Pulp good with wine wine
appropriate short maceration.
Aromatic maturity X
the skin
Tannin maturity X
All these characters can be seen maturing in a subjective way, ie by evaluating them little measurable human feelings, although there may be procedures, which can quantify some of these external characteristics that presents vintage and thus set by a figure, his degree of maturation.
-Indices of physical maturation.
These indices quantitatively determine a characteristic of the maturation of the grapes, but do not reveal themselves in a clear and decisive this state, but can be very useful when they are associated with other indices.
Grain A.Color. Although sensory illustrating its color, can be measured quantitatively with color-coded cards or varieties, or by action on the must macerates absorciométricas.
B.Peso cluster or grapes. Is considered that a vintage reaches maturity, when for a few days does not experience any increase of weight, and even if overripe, losses occur motivated by the evaporation of water and combustions of acids or sugars. Controlling the end of ripening the weight of certain bunches or better on a sampling of 200 to 250 berries, you can define the maturation of the vineyard.
The stalk or pedicel C.Resistencia. You can measure resistance to detachment of the grain pedicel of grape, by special instruments for the determination of this, noting that the effort is inversely proportional to the maturity of the berry.
D. Flesh firmness and skin. The grape is used the rate of crushing it, with a device specially designed for this purpose. Generally the grapes are ripe, the lower its resistance and therefore lower this index.
E. Must yield. Is the amount of wort extracted by a crushing of the grape, respect the total weight of these, expressing it in per one hundred referred by weight.
F. Density of the wort. Measuring the density of the wort, through or hydrometers hydrometers, expressing the results of wealth in sugars in grams per liter, degrees Baume, Oechsle degrees, degrees Brix, etc.. Throughout the ripening period, wort gravity increases continuously, until reaching the moment of maturation, where this value will remain stationary during some days.
-Chemical maturation indices.
They are based on the analytical determination of the characteristic compounds that increase or decrease in the ripening process of grapes, among them being the most significant and easily measured, wealth in the concentration of sugars and acids. Generally the contents of these form part of empirical formulas, which periodically calculated during the last phase of maturation, determine the evolution of the index and reached a moment, define the state of ripeness of the vintage industrial.
 Evolución del contenido en azúcar y acidez
This method is to plot the evolution in time, measures of sugar and acidity during the period of maturation of the grapes.
Broken lines are obtained, representing an upward accumulation of sugars and other groups downward acids must.
The information collected in this way for several seasons, is a source of useful data to be adjusted each time with greater precision the optimal date of harvest.
Regardless of the data of acidity and sugar, you can also analyze the evolution of other parameters, which can also define more precisely the ripening of the grapes, such as sugars or acids individualized nitrogenous substances, polyphenols, etc..
Similarly, you can graphically represent the evolution of other indices of maturity based on the formulas given below.
 Relación glucosa / fructosa.
Glucose (g / l)
Fructose (g / l)
This index expresses the relationship between the two major sugars contained in the grape.
When the vintage reaches maturity, the amount of glucose is almost equal to that of fructose, there being something more of the second, so that when arriving industrial maturation, the glucose / fructose ratio reaches values ​​between 0.92 to 0,95; while in the time of veraison, this index yields values ​​much higher, because in this phase exists a large amount of glucose respect of fructose.
This is an index not very accurate, it can change too small to significantly different degrees of maturity.
Index of maturation and Odifredi Cillis.
Sugars (g/100 cc must)
Total acidity (g / l in tartaric)
According to the authors, this rate can reach values ​​in the industrial maturity values ​​ranging from 3 to 5.

Baragiola maturation index and Scuppli.
Tartaric acid (g / l tartaric acid) x 100
Total acidity (g / l in tartaric)
This index expresses the percentage content of tartaric acid that contains the grape, regarding the total acidity of the same.
Ferré maturation factor.
Tartaric acid (g / l tartaric acid) x 100
Total acidity (g / l tartaric) + Alkalinity of ash (g / l)
It is a modification of previous index, taking into account part of the organic acids that are combined in form of salts.
Saturation L.Coeficiente Ferré acids.
Alkalinity of ash (g / l) x 100
Total acidity (g / l tartaric) + Alkalinity of ash (g / l)
During the ripening process occurs an accumulation of cations, increasing therefore the value of the alkalinity of the ash, while progressively diminish the organic acids of the grape.
Coded maturation index.
Density of the wort
Total acidity (g / l in tartaric)
Suizzera maturation index.
Density of the wort
------------- X 10
Total acidity (g / l in tartaric)
Index Benvegnin and Peyer.
Density (° Oechsle) x 10
Total acidity (g / l in tartaric)
The authors estimate that maturation is achieved with values ​​between 60 and 100.
Maturation index Weaver RJ.
Density (° Brix)
Total acidity (g/100 cc as tartaric)
Maturation index Garino Canina.
% of sugars in Fructose weight (g / l)
----------- X ------
pH x 10,000 Glucose (g / l)
-Indices of physiological maturation.
These indices are based on the analytical determination of the products formed or released during ripening of the grapes, not being very accurate in its assessment, but nevertheless useful when accompanying the calculation of other indices.
Disappearance of chlorophyll
During the first period of maturation or herbaceous, the grapes perform photosynthesis, so they contain significant amounts of chlorophyll, but from ripening, chlorophyll drops sharply, being replaced by pigments typical of the grape variety , although the decline is gradual as we approach the time of industrial maturity.
Measuring the chlorophyll by a device called "Clorómetro" can be an index of harvest maturity.
M. Ruiz Hernandez proposes to establish a relationship between the accumulation of anthocyanins in red varieties and the disappearance of chlorophyll, by mincing of 50 berries for 20 seconds, to which are added 50 ml of acetone to extract chlorophyll, then centrifuging for 5 minutes at 3,500 rpm. On liquid measure the absorbance at 520 nm, which evaluates the anthocyanins of red color, and absorbance at 660 nm which measures the green chlorophyll.
Cluster Breathing
In fruit ripening is a gas exchange with the atmosphere, caused by the phenomena of cellular respiration and combustion.
In the period of cell multiplication, there is a large release of carbon dioxide and indicating a large energy input, decreasing the activity as it reaches the end of this phase.
During the next period of cell growth, respiratory activity decreases more slowly.
These two phases, multiplication and cell growth phase are referred to as "preclimacteric", corresponding to the period of maturation herbaceous, while in the next phase "climacteric" or maturation itself, breathing returns to activate; and finally in the event of a fruit ripening or phase "climacteric" respiratory activity decreases again.
The breath of the bunch, can be measured with Special bells and thus evaluate and falling consumption of these gases, being able to further assess the known parameters respiratory rate (IR) and respiratory quotient (RQ).

Analysis of ethylene.

Ethylene is a gas produced during ripening of the fruits, a correlation between the detachment of this and the maturation of the grape.
During the period I going from fertilization to 45 days after the onset of ethylene arises at day 30 and rises rapidly until day 45, peaks with values ​​of about 40 cc per kg of grapes.
In the following period II, comprising 45 to 60 days after fertilization, descends slowly until by the end of period III from 60 days, the value ends up being almost zero, at which the harvest reached industrial maturity.
With the systematic control and posed for determining the rates of maturation, can be predicted several days in advance the optimal date of harvest and also adjust the ripening of the grapes for the purpose proposed.
Despite the different alternatives proposed control, you use all those variants that handle sugar and acidity parameters as factors unique quality, being certain parallelism between sugar accumulation and ripening of the grapes, which in turn involves the formation of so-called "compounds of kindness."
But today this concept is not sufficient to determine the quality of a vintage or even to set the optimal date of collection, being necessary to also introduce the measurement of other compounds that help the decision-making may even happen that does not match the rich in sugars with the maximum concentration of other compounds sought.
Emerging concepts of maturity then other than those evaluated by simply measuring the sugar and the acidity of wine, such as the "oxidative aging", quotpolyphenolic maturation "," aromatic maturity, "" stress indicators ", etc. Where it comes to meeting state levels of harvest, such as the oxidation potential that contains decause of the action of oxidative enzymes in healthy harvests grapes or attacked by Botrytis cinerea; or in other cases determined by measuring the evolution of "Compounds of kindness", as polyphenols containing the vintages inks, or even the berries also in inks vinifera and especially in the white.
In these cases, measurement of these parameters is usually quite complicated, with methods of analysis long and tedious, that reduce the operational capacity of the same, because in some cases are not available to all wineries and other immediacy is lost of its value, which is essential in making decisions.
The "Maturity oxidative" is a concept generally negative assessment, as interested in the vintages have values ​​as low as possible, thus indicating the health of the harvest for a possible decay, even if it is partial.
But then, if healthy harvests, always maturation often coincides with the peak of oxidases, so these apparently contradictory aspects, one has to take into account to correctly interpret the data provided.
Measuring this type of maturity, is easily done by colorimetry or absorbance, evaluating the oxidation of wort exempt from treatments or additives, due to its darkening and color change, this being proportional to the level of enzymes oxidants that contains.
"Maturity polyphenol" is more complicated to assess, although there are prototypes of automated instruments that aim to make a quick and easy measurement.
However, there are some simple laboratory methods for controlling this important parameter in the vintage inks.
The total polyphenols in grape must or wine can be measured by various methods, such as permanganate index or Folin-Ciocalteu, more recently used another more simple, the index of OJ 280; where with help of a spectrophotometer is measured red wine diluted to 1/100 or 1/10 blank, using cuvettes of 10 mm. already an absorbance of 280 nm. wavelength.
Measured OD 280 = OD x dilution factor
It reached values ​​between 6 to 120 in different types of wines, in this measurement comprising anthocyanins and tannins in the must or wine. For red wines also meets the following expression:
OD 280 = 7 + DA + DT DA (anthocyanins) = 20 x anthocyanins g / l.
DT (tannins) = 12 x tannins g / l.
During maturation, polyphenols accumulate in the skins and seeds of grapes, and can be measured using the following method proposed by Glories.
This is to quickly extract containing polyphenols grapes, first in a gentle way to reproduce the industrial conditions of maturation and then so brutal in extreme conditions.
The difference between both results, is a reflection of the degree of fragility of the cell membrane, which will influence the extraction capacity of polyphenols and therefore in the maturation of the grape phenolic.
We assume a sample of about 200 grains of grape vines selected according to the rules set out above in the section on sampling, a part of this harvest is subjected to routine analysis of sugars and acidity measurement and also to the appraisal of the skin, whose details will be discussed later.
The other part of the berries are crushed mechanically with a blender, yielding two fractions of about 50 grams each, adding to the first 50 ml of a hydrochloric acid solution N/10 until reaching pH of 1.0 and the second one 3.2 pH buffer solution prepared with 5 grams of tartaric acid, 10 ml of 2N NaOH and water until one liter. Both are homogenised and let macerate during 4 hours, and may even reach Buffering at the corresponding pH, filtering with glass wool and even centrifuging liquids resulting macerated to clean.
About these liquids can be measured anthocyanins, using any existing methods: pH variation, fading with SO2, PVPP index, chromatography, etc.., Obtaining the values ​​of ApH 1.0 and 3.2 ApH expressed in milligrams per liters and also total polyphenols by absorbance measurement at 280 nm., obtaining values ​​OD280 OD280 pH 1.0 and pH 3.2.
These measurements are made after the maceration and equating them in pH values, with object of that polyphenols are found the same state, adding the necessary amount of soda to the fraction of pH 1.0 to raise it to 3.2 and in the fraction of pH 3.2 by adding the same volume of a buffer of pH 3.2. These values ​​of should of multiplying by two, due to the effect of dilution by acidic solutions.
The value ApH 1,0 indicates the full potential of the grapes containing anthocyanins expressed as mg / liter, varying from 500 mature vinifera more than 2,000 mg / l. While the number of ApH 3.2, yields the amount of anthocyanins that can be drawn about during alcoholic fermentation and maceration.
Therefore, extractability of anthocyanins (EA) is expressed according the following relation:
ApH 1.0 - ApH 3,2
EA (%) = --------- x 100
ApH 1,0
The values ​​of the extractability of anthocyanins oscillate between 20 and 70 by 100 according varieties and maturation state, being greater the extractability the smaller are the values ​​obtained.

An approximate method for the amount of anthocyanins, is to measure directly the musts obtained at pH 1.0 and 3.2 with a spectrophotometer, making three readings, one at 420 nm. wavelength, another at 520 nm. and the last at 620 nm., expressing the results as Colour intensity (CI) by sum of both values, ie: CI = DO DO 420 + 520 + D 620.
Total potential of anthocyanins pH = IC 1,0
Removable = anthocyanins pH IC 3,2
IC pH 1.0 - pH IC 3,2
EA (%) = ---------- x 100
PH IC 1,0
Another method of measuring the amount of anthocyanins consists in adding to 0.1 ml sample, 10 ml of HCl 1.0 Molar / liter, waiting 3 hours and then measure the absorbance at 520 nm wavelength, expressing results as is:
Anthocyanins (mg / liter) = 20 x Absorbance 520 nm x 101 (dilution factor)
Another system of determining the content in anthocyanins, is known as bleaching method with sodium bisulfite, where he prepares an acidic solution with the following composition: 1 ml sample, 1 ml of ethanol 96% with a 0.1 per 100 by volume of HCl 12N, and 20 ml of HCl to 2 per 100 by volume of HCl 12 N.
In a test tube is added, 10 ml of the above solution and 4 ml of sodium hydrogen sulphite to 15 per 100, and in another test tube is added 10 ml of the acid solution and 4 ml of distilled water.
After shaking and let rest 20 minutes, measured in a spectrophotometer at 520 nm in a cuvette of 10 mm, obtaining two values ​​d 1 and d2.
Anthocyanins (mg / l) = (d2 - d1) x 875
In terms of total polyphenols, the results are expressed similarly, ie pH 1.0 OD280 value indicates the total potential of polyphenols containing the berries and the number of OD280 pH 3.2 indicates the amount of polyphenols that can approximately removed during processing, being the extractability of polyphenols (EP) the result of the following expression:
PH 1.0 OD280 - OD280 pH 3,2
EP (%) = --------------- x 100
OD280 pH 1,0
The anthocyanins can be considered as markers of tannins in the skinss, as there is a parallelism of accumulation in this organ between both, so that it holds that the relationship OD280 / anthocyanins, the extracts at pH 3.2 is between the values ​​of 35 to 45; so that knowing the value of anthocyanins in grams per liter (ApH 3,2) always contained in the skins, you can calculate the total polyphenols thereof (OJ 280hollejo pH 3.2) and by far the tannins which also contains.
Total polyphenols skin = DO280hollejo pH 3.2 = 3.2 x ApH 40
Anthocyanins from the skin = ApH 3,2
Seed tannins OD280 pH = 3.2 - 3.2 x ApH 40
Tannins from the skins: ApH3, 2 x 39
Therefore, the contribution of the tannins of the nuggets in the total phenolic content (MP), is expressed by the following relation:
OD280 pH 3, 2 - 3.2 x ApH 40
MP (%) = -------------- x 100
The values ​​of this contribution of seeds ranging from 0 to 60 100, depending also on the variety, ripeness, etc..
Marc assessment regarding the pulp, is also a very important factor of face to measure the quality of a vintage, since grape grains small size make the relationship marc surface / volume of vintage is high and therefore equality of "quality" of substances removable from the skin, soaking conditions are always higher.
Regardless of varietal character, according to F. Champagnol, the size of grains of grape depends on the interaction between soil fertility and the amount of sugars supplied by the plant to each berry.
Small grains can come from a small crop of very poor land, with a high quality potential, or produced a bumper crop in any soil type and low quality potential.
Proposing the following qualitative progression:
- Qualitative potential minimum: small or thick sugary little berries rich in malic acid.
- Qualitative potential median berries medium or coarse, sugary average content of malic acid.
- Qualitative potential maximum: small berries very sugary and poor in malic acid.
Not always grape grains of small size are desirable, since those from fertilizations parthenocarpic, effectively produce very sugary and colored berries, but also very rich in alcohols of 6 carbon atoms of vegetal and herbaceous taste.
A first method to measure this factor is to squeeze 100 or 200 grapes, separating the juice from the remaining solids, which mostly consist of skins, then calculating the weight ratio of skin / volume of wine, expressing the results in grams per liter and reaching according vintages variables values ​​between 100 to 300 g / l.
One criticism of this system is in heavy solids, because not only takes into account the skin, but also the seeds and pulp burbas, falseándose thus the result significantly.
One option is to manually separate the seeds once crushed berries, another may be best pinch each grape between your fingers, releasing cleanly pulp including the seeds, then just squeezing the pulp to get the juice and even separating and evaluating the nuggets by sifting, or finally a third system, which consists of applying a weighting for the skins (0.75) according to the following percentages:
Skins: 75 100
Nuggets: 20 by 100
Burbas. 5 by 100
The second method of evaluation of the skins is to take samples in clusters rather than loose berries in order to have berries of different sizes, approaching the analysis as possible to reality.
Then we proceed to its heavy (Pr) and destemming of the totality of its berries, controlling then the weight of the grains (Pg) and that of the stalks (Pe), obtaining the percentages of these elements of the cluster and the average weight per berry (Pm) by dividing the weight of the berries, between the number of these (N)
These data must refer to an average value per cluster.
Pe x 100
Average weight Scratches: Pet grams. ---- =% Scratches
Pg x 100
Average weight berries: Pg grams. ---- =% Berries
----- Average weight clusters Pr: Pr grams.
Average weight per berry: Pm = --- N
Then the grapes are measured one by one by a gauge, but given how tedious this work, it is best to pass it through a sieve of successive sizes, obtaining a ranking of the number of grapes of a certain diameter, depending of this data is easily calculated the skins surface (S), the volume occupied by the grains of grape (V), the average diameter of grains of grape (Dm) and finally the relationship marc surface / volume of vintage (S / V).

The "Indicators of stress"Are a type of developmental markers of the maturation of the grapes, especially in its last stage before harvest, which usually manifests its intensity parallels the quality of fruit ripening.
One of the best known, is proline, an amino acid universal marker of plant stress in response to certain adverse conditions such as salinity, drought.
Proline is located in the cell cytoplasm and helps maintain the balance of osmotic potential between this element and the vacuoles.
Kliewer and Weaver showed in strains inks that the content in proline of musts, depends on the relationship between the leaf surface and volume of the harvest; achieving higher values, when this ratio is also higher.
The accumulation of this amino acid is also dependent on nitrogen fertilization, so it must be taken into account to avoid erroneous conclusions. Other markers of development may also be useful, as the progression of withering from scratches, level of maturity of the seeds, hydrolysis of cell walls, etc..
According to A. Carbonneau, control or monitoring of ripening is very complex due to the evolution of a large number of substances involved in this process, being able to choose from four possible alternatives in terms of interactions between strain and culture medium:
-Late situations, where almost all compounds reach their optimum level in the harvest on the edge of eco-climatic conditions and even in some years is not achieved. The wine is made must be aimed at practices precocity, being sufficient to control the evolution in the maturation of the sugars and the health of the grapes.
-Situations Early, on the contrary, the compounds of the grape evolve rapidly, with few risks sobrmaduración and phytosanitary issues. Maturation controls should be especially on the levels of acidity and pH, very sensitive to drought conditions and high temperatures.
-Alternative scenarios, intermediate between earlier maturation where controls should be on the balance between sugars, acids, flavors and polyphenols.
-Harmonic situations, or ideals where is achieved an optimum of complexity, and balance of components of the grape, is accomplished in a natural way and regular along the campaigns. The strains are usually older and are in perfect harmony with their culture medium, achieving their production high quality wines and great typicality.
Historically have been built very different models of harvesters integrals cutting machines for vineyards horizontal lattice driven machines, vacuum or blowing a continuous or batch use in any type of driving, vibratory machines for pipes on trellises, etc.., But have prevailed, with widespread use with shakers grape harvesting machines.
The first integral with shakers harvesters were used in the United States, going to Europe in 1971, where they were subject to forms of adaptation to cultivation of their vineyards, developed within a common framework for the collection, which makes them increasingly more effective.
  Description and management of machine harvester

Self-propelled grape harvesting machines consist of the following basic elements:
- Head detachment of the grape.
- Collection and transportation of the grapes into the hopper.
- Accumulation of vintage Hopper.
- Removing leaves and debris.
- General structure and complementarities
Grape head detachment.
Central tunnel that is part of the harvesting machine, where the line must pass strains, consists of two or more combs horizontal shaker rods hinged at one end on the walls and fitted with a reciprocating motion, hitting the strains to the height at which the clusters are located desprendiéndolos or desgranándolos.
Shakers rods are fiberglass, polyester or other plastic material, of one or two centimeters in diameter and one meter in length, carrying a free end where it hits to the strains, a stainless metal sheath to prevent spoilage.
Its anchorage articulated is adjustable, so that the rods converge more or less at will and vary their pace of movement.
In any case the free ends are delayed on their anchors in the direction of travel of the machine, so the vegetation of plants is pinched between the rods.
The effective height of the walker, is varied, leaving only those corresponding to the area of ​​clusters, but also can be adjusted down or up the tunnel for collecting and removing ineffective.
The side plates, that normally lead of 4 to 6 rods by each plate, have few holes to be able to vary its height.
The oscillations of the rods is achieved by means of rotation of a wheel, which drives an eccentric crank so positioned, connected to a crank where the rod is fixed and which receives a movement of oscillation.
The driver can make vary the oscillation frequency up to 600 rpm, albeit normal working at 250 to 400 rpm and with an amplitude at the free end of the rods from 8 to 14 cm.
Keyless chuck plates can be joined or separated, to act on the vegetation of more or less compressed, being able to also vary the angle of convergence of the rods, simply turning the crank placards carrying the rods.
In some models of machines, you can override this convergence, leaving parallel and shakers allow back on a row of vines.
The amplitude of these shakers can also be varied by changing the anchor point between the rod and plate-crank, agreeing to small amplitudes, when they gather some fragile or too ripe, or else large amplitudes in difficult vintages release.
In 1987 appeared on the market heads vintage, in which the rods were replaced straight shakers free end, by bars arched secured by their extremities, which are introduced by in interior of the vegetation, at once that are driven by a horizontal reciprocating movement, which gives rise to a high frequency vibratory action (900 to 1,400 rpm) and small amplitude (2.5 to 7.0 cm.).
The plastic rods are very flexible material, to suit the thickness of the vegetation and yield when encountering the trellis poles or arms of the strains. Its shape is convergent on entering the vegetation, then in the active zone or work of a length of 60 to 70 cm., The bars are almost parallel and very close together and become divergent at the outlet, with what your action on vegetation is softer than the shaker rods, decreasing the broken branches, loose leaves and berries breaks.
On the same principle there are machines whose head is provided with horizontal pairs of rigid rods at different heights, number of 4 to 5, are expected to be clusters, articulated at both ends to two vertical shafts, connecting rods by swinging couples , so that while the front section moves toward one side, the posterior tranche does so towards the opposite side.
This contrast and the fact that the amplitude of motion increases towards the rear of the rods, provoke a progressive detachment of the grape to the passage of the rods arched.
For vineyards of great development or with forms of conduction with poles in T dual parallel wire supporting arms or cords, are used in the United States and other countries, most potent heads; compounds by two horizontal symmetrical skates, that press trunks of the strains that remain between them, while the printed like a horizontal vibratory motion, which causes a detachment of grains of grape to enter into resonance with the frequency of vibration.
This device is combined with a set of rods located behind, completing the work by preventing the berries remain entangled in the vegetation and the branches.
By not always be a perfect fit between the flanges and the logs, there are small impacts and wounds on the trunk, all favorable to the vineyard.
Collection and transportation of the grapes into the hopper.
The grapes off by the head vintage, is collected by three possible devices:
-Reach truck scales fall on rigids, which open to the trunks of the vines and trellis poles, leaving her side conveyors and then vertical, that finally lead to the collection hoppers.
-Also fall on scales Shrink, to move to chains of buckets that elevates it to the top and deposits it in the hoppers of collection.
-Picking of the grapes directly into a chain baskets flexible plastic, which move in the bottom of the machine and counterclockwise to the advancement of this already its same speed, so have no trunk motion relative of strains, avoiding the damage and missed the fruit.

The racks carry the grape of the top of the machine, where by means of conveyors is carried collection hoppers.
Scales Shrink, located at the bottom of the tunnel for collecting, below the detachment zone of the berries, are polyester laminate or nylon, hard consistency but somewhat flexible, imbricate or tilted sideways (20 ° to 30 °) by those who run the conveyors.
Each scale is fixed to machine frame through an elastic hinge, that allows cede when stumbles with a trunk or pole of the trellis and recover when surpass them, thereby prevents the berries fall to the ground or do so of a minimal form.
Typically, the scales are tilted back and forth in the form of roof and side conveyors with two separate, but some machines ready to work on narrow streets may have two rows of scales tilted to one side and a single standing conveyor in a lateral.
The conveyor belts lead the grape toward the rear of the machine, to be elevated to the top of the same, through vertical conveyors, for conveyance to a single front hopper elevated, but necessarily has the first to return for the bottom and toward the front to continue the process. This brings as consequence, that the recording head detachment of the grape has to rise to permit this, with the consequent impediment to collect the bunches too low.
To obviate the aforementioned drawback, the conveyor belts are replaced by chains of buckets of food grade plastic, which not have to return by the bottom, but that rise with the grape to the top of the machine, deposit the grape on conveyors high that lead to the hoppers and return by the anterior part of the machine, to the lower front, to continue the process avoiding the drawback cited with the previous system.
Best solution is still the use of a very flexible chain baskets food grade polyurethane, instead of the flakes and buckets, that to part of the advantages listed, is achieved more still downgrade the head height of detachment of the grape, since the abolition of the return of the tapes, adds height loss due to the inclination of the scales.
With this system, reaching heights of collection from the ground 15 to 20 cm., But there are no problems, it is preferable to set a minimum of 35 cm.
Vintage head focuses by itself with the line of the strains that goes reaping, if you suspended from the frame of the tunnel, allowing lateral displacements 6 to 8 cm., With what the vegetation is centered between the plates Keyless chuck.
For greater displacements of the strains, would require a vintage tunnel alignment, achieved with an automatic system powered by two symmetrical styli located on the bottom of your embouchure.
Accumulation of vintage hoppers.
Unloading the hoppers where the grape of the tapes or conveyor chains in the top of the machine, located in the front, side or rear, with a capacity of about 1,000 to 2,500 liters, have in its bottom a worm for a better sharing of the burden of grapes, avoiding crowding in the drop zone and driven in reverse, contribute to facilitate the departure of harvest in the download.
The discharge hopper hydraulically tilting trailer waiting on the roads.
There are still machines that drain the grape laterally into a trailer up for immediate strains between the lines, as originally did all harvesters, or optionally do so in the hoppers and to the rear side.

Removing leaves and debris.
Accompanying the grape appear, in moderate amounts if the harvester is well regulated, leaves, pieces of twigs, bark fragments, bits of old wood and other planting material, which must eliminate the damage that entails.
Cleaning can be accomplished by pneumatic suction extractors, which carry impurities less dense than the vintage, when placed on the transport belts or chains.
Its correct location is behind the head of detachment of the grape, in the back and bottom of the machine as well as at the top thereof and before his fall into the hopper of accumulation.
Inside these extractors, can be placed a device disposer of shoots, wood, bark, etc., Existing models returning to the wort vintage circuit deposited on the leaves, before expel them outside the machine.
The cleaning of the harvest can also be done by means of cylinders - screen located at the end of the tape grape harvest and separated a few inches of it.
The must and the grapes fall into this space, while the leaves and branches pass over the cylinder - rotary screen, separating from the harvest and extracted out of the machine.
There is a more perfect system of cleaning and modern than before, which combines a single exhaust fan at the bottom of the ramp scales, which pulls the sheets at that time are almost dry wine, vintage after passing a screw conveyor hinged perforated plate through which the must and the grapes penetrate and separate, leaving leaves, twigs and other impurities on the surface, which are then evacuated by another vacuum at the end of it.
These grids or perforated plates, are constructed of flexible polyurethane and progressing at a slow speed, so that the deterioration of the vintage is reduced.
The system also allows the separation of whole grapes or grape juice liquid, thus being able to achieve various qualities of vintage and processed separately in the winery.
General structure and complementarities.
The basic unit includes all the elements described above, is a framed structure, usually with four-wheel drive, predominantly in the direction in front and slightly to the four which improves the turning radius. By turning the steered wheels reach 90 degrees, so that even the larger machines can make turns in space of 4 meters wide.
Those with only traction on the two wheels, carry the weight distributed with 75 per 100 of total gravitating over them, to improve ground adhesion.
The totality of the machine and consequently the vintage tunnel that contains, can rise or descend respect land, through a mechanical drive or hydraulic with endowed ranging independently each one of the wheels; being possible in this way work on sloping fields of up 30 per 100 and leveled horizontally maintaining harvest organs.
The main engine with an output of 50 to 100 kW., Drives one or two hydraulic pumps, sending pressurized oil to hydraulic motors of the drive wheels, belts, chain conveyors, fans and cylinders that perform dump hoppers.
Trying to improve stability in high machines, motor, battery and other heavy elements, is usually at the bottom of the sides, between the front and rear wheels.
The driver stands at the front of the machine, centering in the same or towards the left, to have good visibility.
In order to increase the productivity of vintage machines integral, there are models that can remove the internal elements of vintage, which are constructed in the form of easily removable unit and use the rest, with the addition of auxiliary equipment for other purposes, such as pesticide treatments, setter-clamp-tipping of shoots, tipping, prepodadora and manure spreader, in addition to general transport platform, making portable water power and multifunctional arm assembly.
Harvest machines dragged.
The first machines were vintage auto great ability to work on large farms, but by the year 1976 began in France the so-called "second generation machines," which were drawn by a tractor, much smaller and cost, although lower acceptance.
The basic elements of a harvester drawn are the same as in a self-propelled motor except that characterizes the self-propelled and its related bodies.
-Head detachment of the grape is curved rods or bars shakers attached by their extremities.
-The collection of the harvest is done with retractable conveyor scales.
-The elimination of the leaves and impurities is done by the same systems as self-propelled, but more simplified.
-Generally are equipped with hopper for downloading vintage trailers.
-They have two non-driven wheels, although some models have them drive, facilitating the movement of the machine on slopes or in poor condition.
-Transmission to the moving, mechanical type is actuated by the PTO of the tractor; although some models is done hydraulically by a pump driven directly by the PTO.
-When the tractor march between the lines of strains, pulled harvester is equipped with an automatic tunnel align their harvest with the harvest vines line, powered by two probes located at the bottom of its mouth.
Integral vintage machines are specially designed to harvest trellised vines is conducted not more than 1.7 meters high or more, but the vines pruned in glass can too, if the cross of the strain is about 60 to 70 cm. on the floor and arms directed in the direction of the line, with a width of vegetation that not exceeding 30 to 40 cm.
Displacing vintage machines on strains to a variable speed from 1.0 to 2.5 km to the hour, the engine selfpropelled with 50 to 100 kW. power, can harvest 50 to 150 hectares in 25 days of the campaign, while the vineyard tractor pulled by 25 to 45 kW. power have a lower working capacity.
Compared to traditional manual harvesting and generalizing a lot, it depends on many factors, one man can pick grapes about 120 kg of grapes at the time (1,000 to 1,200 kg per day), while a self-propelled harvester, well regulated, can collect 3,000 to 4,000 kg per hour.
Furthermore, the maximum working time of harvesting by hand can be 8 to 10 hours a day, performing forced during daylight hours, while grape harvesters can work longer hours, theoretically up to 24 hours a day and can pick grapes in hours night, with floodlights and carried without any difficulty.
Mechanical equipment necessary to make a vintage consists of a mechanical harvester and at least two vintage trailers, of which one remains in the plot with the harvesting, pending download of grapes, while the other van or trailer come to the winery.
The indispensable team of vintage machinery is composed of a conductor, in addition to addressing the control of the instrument panel of the machine, must address the gathering head alignment with the rows of vines, of the products ejected extractors leaves, grapes level in the hoppers, the valuation of work done by the machine on the vines and harvested, possible traffic jams on the conveyor belts or chains, etc..
They work so numerous and complex, which advise the presence of a second person on the machine, some of them exist in second place for this operator.
The usual working day is 8 to 16 hours in vintage, which we must add 1 or 2 hours a day more for the maintenance of the machine, unless damage is cleaning and lubrication.
In places of step of the grape, must be employed food quality grease for not contaminate it, being preferable to use this lubricant in the rest of organs of the machine, in order to avoid mistakes.
  Quality vintage machine harvested.
The mechanization of the harvest, is today a reality, thanks to the existence of comprehensive harvesters described above, increasingly sophisticated and with a necessary adaptation of the culture system.
Although its widespread use is still far see, the reality is that not much by its use will be absolutely necessary, especially in situations of extensive vineyards and beset by a progressive lack of seasonal labor for this task; away this problem in time in cases where the production values ​​allow manual harvests continue.
On the one hand the lack of adaptation to the mechanization of Spanish vineyards, will in a few years a problem of expensive and difficult to solve, and second, the current transport systems and processing technology, are inadequate to process the harvested vintages machine, if desired obtain products of the same quality as those obtained with current approaches.
Due to the characteristics of mechanical harvesting to continue with the current processing technology, the wines obtained should be of inferior quality compared to those from manual harvest, where the integrity of the clusters is significantly higher.
Especially in white vintages, which shows a greater sensitivity to harvest and less broken inks, where this problem is not so important.
Armed with appropriate technology should not and can not give up the mechanization of the harvest, for quality differences observed on a wine from the same vintage harvested manually or mechanically, are really minor.
-State of mechanical harvesting.
The grape crop losses that do not reach the hoppers can be due to three items: grapes that remain in the strains without vendimiarse, grapes that fall to the ground lost and so-called "hidden losses" corresponding to the must is left wet and strains its vegetation, as well as in leaves expelled by the cleaning mechanism.

Bunches not be harvested correspond to those which are protected by the arms of strains or by poles of the espaliers, as well as those located too high or low, outside the action of the rods or bars shakers head arched harvest.

These losses correspond to a lack of preparation of the vineyard or an insufficient number of walkers to cover the area of ​​concentration of clusters.
Nor do they gather the grapes or clusters raisiny, nor rotten or unripe grapes, by having the cabillos of berries increased peel strength.
This represents a loss of vintage, which can be estimated in a 2 to 10 by 100, but conversely producing a quality improvement of wine made.
The harvest harvested by machine, is mainly characterized by its high percentage of berries, whole or broken, mixed with a whole bunch, grains with or without pedicel, entire leaves, pieces of leaves, petioles, fragments of branches, thumbs, parts more or less large old wood, bark, vine, pieces of pickets, metal anchors often rusty trellises, etc.. The scratches are left largely without letting the vineyard and attached to the branches.
According to a study by A. Calo (Lto Qualita della Produzione. Prove Risultati di di Meccanica Vendemmia in Italy), the differences of prior vintage collection manually or with a harvester, are the following:
                         Handpicked Vintage mechanical
                           ————————                                                ————————–
Mosto:                       0 a 1 %                                                        10 a 15 %
Whole clusters:    60 a 85 %                                                           5 a 20 %
Whole grains:
                             with pedicel: 10 to 12% without pedicel: 20 to 25 %
                                —————                          ————–
                               4 a 7 %                             30 a 37 %
Broken grains:            8 a 15 %                            45 a 50 %
Leaves and other impurities: 0,3 to 0.5% 2 to 5 %
The distribution of the elements of a mechanical harvesting depends on the type of machine used, the driver that manages it, of vinifera in their maturity and health aspects, the setting of the combine and cleaning systems incorporated vintage to the machine. Almost all researchers agree with vines set a limit of 2 by 100, a maximum permissible contended in leaves or fragments.
The grapes fall to the ground is practically nonexistent in the tunnels of vintage chains fitted with flexible plastic buckets, while the scales provided with retractable, can be estimated at 1 to 2 per 100.
If the harvest is over-ripe berries are broken and there are many losses that may reach must be 10 to 15 100, while if it is harvested at the right time, they may be less than 2 100.
To remedy that the head should harvest is delayed, so that in combination of reduced amplitude of vibration, avoid losses in the front of the machine.
With grape resistant and hard-shattering, it does the opposite.
This regulation is performed by loosening the flanges that hold the head of detachment and sliding along the bars where going suspended.
With head bowed bars, shedding of leaves is less than with sticks and shakers where virtually no fragments falling branches, then do not break, resulting in less loss of must by impregnation. With these heads, this implies the order of 10 per 100 of leaves before cleaning operations, compared to a 20 by 100 with those of rods shakers straight; obtaining the same way some "hidden losses" of wort until 1 , 5 by 100 in the first and of a 4.4 per 100 in the seconds.
Combines vintage heads equipped with skids, peeling of the vintage is done by vibration rather than by percussion, so that the quality of the vintage collection is larger, which results in a higher percentage of whole bunches or berries, but the system drive produces more significant damage in the crop and its supports.
Another drawback of these machines is that varieties or vintages to be easily detached from their stalks, can produce a shelling of grapes at a certain distance ahead of the harvester, part of the production falling to the ground and unable to use .
For this reason, the "harvesters of vibration" machines are longer and more adapted to the extensive vineyards being preferred in countries like USA, Australia, New Zealand, etc.., Where its size is no problem in maneuvering. However, in smaller vineyards as Europeans, where maneuverability is a key factor, the "harvesters percussion" smaller, are the most suitable machines.
Observation of the harvest in the hopper of the machine or the vintage trailer shows the best approach to know the progress of it and proceed to its regulation. There is a systematic quality control of mechanical harvesting by Wendy Simon Allan of Southcorp Wines of Autralia (1999), which evaluates all possible incidents of this type of vintage and minimum quality standards due.
The state of mechanical harvesting, defined as a "grape jam" presents a serious management problems and development, if you want to maintain the quality of the wines obtained by manual harvest, mainly due to the massive failure of the berries and presence of foreign materials that accompany it.
The main factors demerit of this type of harvest, are summarized in the following:
-Oxidations of musts from broken grains, under the action of oxidizing enzymes of the grape and often accelerated by the catalysis of metallic impurities; well as by the appearance of a greater amount of substrate polyphenolic oxidizable (catechins and leucoantocianos or procyanidins), ceded by the maceration with the wort of peels and green parts of the vine dislacerados.
-Uncontrolled maceration of musts with all accompanying solids, increasing the polyphenolic fraction above as well as the acquisition of vintages ink color (anthocyanins) and sometimes earthy and herbal flavors from the vineyard soil and the green parts of the vine ( hexanols and hexanales): leaves, branches, etc. It should also pay special attention to the possible transfer of a greater amount of pesticides, especially botrytis, deposited on vegetation to soak with the juice, recommended strict enforcement of safety periods set by the manufacturers of these products and that typically range from 14 to 21 days.
-Premature and undesirable fermentation, by the presence of yeasts multiplied in machinery and transport badly cleaned, and a risk of attack by lactic acid bacteria on the sugars, with the known consequences of a lactic chopped.
Reduce or cancel the negative effect of the above factors, not a serious difficulty, provided they take into account the considerations set out below, that affect harvest operations, to transport to the winery and finally the grape reception process and subsequent development.
-Transport of mechanical harvesting.
In mechanical harvesting transportation is a factor, that for traditional harvesting, is of great importance in the quality of the grapes harvested, or rather more or less offset the demerit that always suffers from a vintage that is transported.
Firstly is due to foresee a sufficient number of transport elements, with the purpose of reducing the time spent in the transport cycle and especially their downtime. In no event shall transport times exceed half an hour using conventional containers, expanding this time when using special containers.
The choice of container is also important, because in this type of vintage opposite happens to the manual, being the ideal transport the grapes in large volumes because given the state of the vintage, this is not going to squeeze more and moreover the oxidations of reduce dramatically. Although also the dimensions of these elements depend on the following factors:
                                           Containers Containers
                                            pequeños                                       grandes

                                             ——————-                                  ——————–
Anchura de las calles del viñedo: < 2,0 m.                        > 2,0 m.
Distancia del viñedo a la bodega: < 5 Km.                        > 5 Km.
State harvest field: bad good
In transport, the rapid separation of the must of the rest of the vintage, is a significant improvement in quality, to curb undesirable maceration with the solid parts of the grape have been proposed to install in white vintage combines an extraction system must complete, although a more rational solution is that the transport trailers, have a false or double bottom perforated plate or the like, to allow gravity separation of the wort from the rest of the vintage. In this case the evaluation of the samples in the winery must be twofold, one for this wort of Drained and another for the vintage situated above.
The temperature of the vintage plays an important role in accelerating demerit phenomena cited above. This problem is exacerbated in countries or areas producing high temperatures in the harvest time, intending to pick grapes with the harvester in the night hours of lower temperature, an issue that can be done easily with the aid of spotlights and headlights that have these machines, and even get cool vintage rods using cryogenic coupled to a portable cooling unit or also by the addition of carbon dioxide in solid or liquid.
Calculating the amount of dry ice or snow carbonic needed to refrigerate the vintage, is done following the abacus attachment or using the following equations:
Qm x (Ti - Tf) Qm: quintals of grapes (100 kg.)
------- = Kg dry ice Ti: Vintage Initial temperature (° C)
1,52 Tf: temperature end of the harvest (° C)
Dry ice Kg x 2.5 = Kg of liquefied carbonic anhydride
Dry ice is difficult to handle and especially the mass mix of vintage, preferring to use liquefied carbon dioxide in a pressure vessel rather large and apply it on the vintage trumpet with a diffuser, dry ice forming on it. Various firms gases manufacturers have this type of material; for example the company Air Liquide, which has a system called "Carboflash" consisting of a range of liquefied carbonic gas bullets of different capacity, equipped with a flexible pipe of greater length or less resistant to pressure (160 bar), finished in a trumpet diffuser with handle - application gun and equipped with valves or safety features.
In terms of materials used in construction of transport containers, shall not transfer to the vintage compound any, such as metals (iron, copper etc.), Organic solvents of paints, styrene of polyester, etc.
Being stainless steel the ideal material, followed by carbon steel coated with resin or plastic food also for food use.
The cleaning of the container harvest once downloaded, you must be compulsory and carried out conscientiously, must have in the hold of an area specially prepared for cleaning trailers, equipped with a point of clean water and air pressure compressed.
Sometimes the trailers are washed with clean water first and then water lightly sulphited, thus avoiding any microbial growth.
Deep and narrow containers are better from the point of view of oxidations, since the most open increase surface oxidation of the vintage; being totally enclosed trailers ideals cistern type, which can hermetizar and even fill them with carbonic gas in the winery before returning empty to the warehouse. This may come from gas released by the alcoholic fermentation in the cellar, accumulating in a buffer tank and giving it an outlet in the laundry trailers described above.
Tanks are the best containers, show the difficulty of filling from the combine, because their accumulation bins to be emptied by turning part of the harvest pour out of them, and can be solved by using a vintage pump coupled to the accumulation hopper Combine grape and transferring it using a large pipe section (diameter> 120 mm.).
Sulfitado operation on the trailer, with a slight dose of the order of 2 to 3 grams of sulfur dioxide for Qm. harvest, is a practice of considerable interest to curb wine oxidation and development of microorganisms.

Being difficult to dose and mix with the mass of mechanical harvesting, proposing to solve this problem, install it to the output of the harvester, a water dispenser adjustable sulphited or directly by sulfur dioxide gas.
Finally, as to the discharge system of the container, is best done by a vintage line, driving the grapes by a bomb that can take down the trailer itself or attaching other descargadero in the cellar, to do it gravity towards a conventional hopper grape reception.
-Discharge facilities and warehouse processing in mechanical harvesting.
Sampling in the hold is a challenge given the heterogeneity of mechanical harvesting, as the solid and liquid fractions are separated and must be well evaluated an average representative sample or the grape juice and grape harvest separately.
In the event of an presulfitado vintage in the vineyards, it must be measured and taken into account for final dosage.
As mentioned above, it is indispensable to the discharge outlet of the harvest, a utility trailer, with the corresponding points of pressurized water, compressed air and occasionally carbon dioxide from the fermentation.
The discharge of the vintage in the cellar should be done as quickly as possible, and also process it quickly, which requires respect vintage traditional oversized facilities in their ability or performance.
This can be done without receiving hoppers, through vintage pumps, toward the following machinery or processing facilities and using conventional vintage pipes whose characteristics are described later. Vintage pumps should be treated as gently as possible the grapes, but primarily will be resistant and easily desatrancables, because with this type of vintage always accompanies a large amount of hazardous materials for machinery: branches, old wood, fragments of poles, metal anchors , wires, etc..
Reciprocating piston pumps or positive displacement screw, are best fulfill this role.
In the case of receiving hoppers used, they shall have sufficient capacity to accommodate at least the vintage of a shipping container and have a high processing performance to limit the extent possible demerit factors mentioned above.
Must be constructed of inert materials to the must and improved stainless steel sheet.
At hoppers also is possible to apply an inerting system versus oxidations, downloading on the same carbon dioxide derived from alcoholic fermentation of the vintages, being channeled through conduits and accumulating it in a lung deposit of regulation; to destine it to the hoppers or for filling of mechanical harvesting airtight containers returning empty to clean and vineyards.
The large amount of wine that contains mechanical harvesting, requires that the hoppers are completely sealed, necessarily using one or more worm-moving vintage and must observe certain precautions in the unloading of the vintage.
When you empty a container of mechanical harvesting, draining the juice yields generally a flow rate higher than the processing machinery, especially vintage pump, sometimes assuming a major spill and loss.
To avoid this, in the hoppers is installed a separator device musts, which can be treated of a grid located below the worm or good of a perforated cylinder 0.8 to 1.0 m. at the output thereof; preferred the latter system, because it is easier to clean the holes are always clogged with fragments of the solid parts of grapes.
Mechanical harvesting to contain a large amount of impurities rigid processing machines should be protected from them, so they are built very sturdy and very easy access to clear jams that cause frequent.
Although many authors do not advise the crushing and stripping in this type of harvest, since in theory the physical state makes it a useless operation, should it pass through the machine sheller or stemmer, which acts as an effective cleanser, improving the quality of the vintage processed and overriding problems of obstructions in the rest of the machinery remains.
Sulfiting vintage should be performed as soon as possible, being the best to inject a solution of sulfur dioxide in water on line vintage and out of the pump drive; by a dosing pump controlled flow and taking into account a possible presulfitado vintage in shipping containers.
From this point, processing continues in red with the same process scheme that collection a vintage manual, happening the same in white and rose wines, although the latter should be particularly in the following prevention:
-Racking the strongest possible, very clean musts for free grape solids, which contain oxidizable polyphenols and oxidative enzymes.
-Yeasts to accelerate the start of alcoholic fermentation, avoiding on the one hand an excessive proliferation of lactic acid bacteria that multiply rapidly in rich media and other sugar, the development of undesirable yeasts for proper development of it, all from harvesters and poorly sanitized container harvest and transport times too high.
Quality wines from mechanical harvesting.
Amendments to the wines from mechanical harvests on traditional hand-made, can be significant in the negative, in terms of oxidation and acquisition of bitter and astringent tastes, but applying a good harvest techniques, transportation and processing, especially in limiting the maceration and oxidation, the quality of wine obtained can be very similar in both cases.
-Acidity. Mechanical harvesting in musts causes a decrease in total acidity estimated at 4 to 5 per 100, motivated by maceration with the skins and other plant organs of lower acidity than the wine and also by a salting of the free acids by an increase of cations. However, in the wines made from these vintages, the differences are not so significant, reaching values ​​similar to those of traditional vintages.
-Sugars and alcohols in wine musts. Contents are very similar and perhaps somewhat higher in a 0.8 to 1.4 per 100, in respect of the vintages manuals, probably due to the selection of grains and bunches wild grapes that perform vintage harvesters.
-Extract and ash. Their values ​​are significantly higher, reaching increases of 2 to 4 by 100 and from 7 to 14 per 100 respectively; explained by the macerations more accused with plant tissues.
-Cations. Consequently they suffer in general a significant increase, highlighting the potassium and calcium in the face of increased rainfall tartaric and iron that could cause future problems ferric bankruptcy in wines.
-Polyphenols. Because of maceration with the skins of the grapes and various remnants of green bodies of the vineyard (leaves, branches, etc..) Detected significant increases of total polyphenols in the order of 3 to 5 per 100. In vintages inks, musts are colored anthocyanins, depending on the speed of transport of collected vintage machine, assuming no problem in making red wines and probably other by an excess of color in rosé wines. As oxidizable polyphenols: catechins and procyanidins leucoantocianos or the mechanical harvest the rise by 7 to 10 100 and 20 to 25 100 respectively, which in its development necessitates the use of systems of protection against oxidation.
-Oxidations. Motivated by a polyphenolic fraction increased oxidizable already an enrichment in oxidizing enzymes (2 to 7 per 100), musts or the wines can acquire brown discoloration typical of oxidations, achieving higher values ​​in optical absorbances of from 10 to 20 by 100 in the best case.
-Aromas. In the aromatic varieties, maceration of the must with the skins can increase primary aromatic expression of wine aromas extracted greater amounts of free or combined contained therein. However, contact with green organs of the plant and especially with the abundant fragments of leaves, makes wines containing a high amount of compounds of 6 carbon atoms: hexanal, trans-hexanal 2, hexanol, trans-hexen- 3-ol, cis-hexen-3-ol, trans-hexen-2-ol, etc., that communicate to wines odors and herbal flavors and also sometimes of bitter taste.
Costs for manual and mechanical harvest.
Price of wages: UMj (um. / Day)
Number of harvesters: H
Grapes harvested per person: Y (Kg. / Hour x vintager)
Working Time: J (hours / day) = 8 to 10 hours / day
Cost of vintage traditional UMj (UM. / Kg.) = --- Y x J
UMJ x D x K
Cost per hectare. (UM. / Ha.) = Y x J -----
-Mechanical harvesting.
Life of the machine: 10 years
Days worked per year: 25 days
Hours of work per day: 9 pm
Performance: 0,45 ha. / hour
Area harvested per season: 0,45 x 9 x 25 = 101 has.
Price of a combine comprehensive: Va = 25,000,000 UM.
Residual value of the combine:
15 x will
You = ---- = 3,750,000 UM 100
Depreciable value: Va - Vd = 21,250,000 pts.
Working life: 2.250 pm
Fixed costs:
Va - Vd
Amortization: ---- = 21,250,000 UM. / 10 = 2,125,000 UM. / Year 10
Interest on capital at 5 per 100:
5 Va x 5 x 25.000.000
---- = -------- = 1,250,000 UM. / Year
100       100
Miscellaneous expenses (housing, insurance, etc..): 1,5 by 100
1,5 x Va 1.5 x 25.000.000
---- = -------- = UM 375,000. / Year
100 100
Total fixed costs (GFT): 3,750,000 UM. / Year
3.750.000 UM. / Year
--------- = 16,700 UM. / Hour
225 hours / year
Value of the machine (UM will.) X 0,15
GFT (pts. / Hr) = ----------------- operating hours / year
Direct costs:
Combustible: 0,15 liters / HP.
0,15 l. / hp x 90 hp x 60 UM. / l. = 810 UM. / Hour
Lubricant: 35 by 100 fuel.
35 x 810 UM. / hour / 100 = 280 UM. / hour
Maintenance: 0,7 by 100 of the value of the machine (Va).
0,7 x 25,000,000 pts.
---------- = 780 UM. / Hour
100 x 225 hours / year
Repairs: 5 by 100 of the value of the machine (Va)
5,0 x 25,000,000 UM.
---------- = 5,560 UM. / Hour
100 x 225 hours / year
Workforce: 4,500 UM. / Hour or assistant driver and mechanic
Total direct cost: 11,930 UM. / Hour
Total cost: 16,700 UM. / Hour + 11 930 UM. / Hour = 28,630 UM. / Hour
Cost per hectare:
28.630 x 106
TH (hours / ha.) X 28,630 UM. / Hour = ------
x F x R
The cost per hectare ranges between 60,000 to 90,000 UM. / Ha.
Cost per pound of vintage:
28.630 UM. / Hour x 28,630 106
-------- = --------
Y (Kg. / Hour) x F x R x D x K
Cost comparison between traditional and mechanical harvesting.
  UMJ x D x K
Traditional (UM. / Ha.) = ----- = (6.0 to 12.0) x D x KY x J
Mechanized (UM. / Ha.) = 3750000 UM. x 11,930 UM. / hour x TH (hours / ha.) =
11.930 x 106
= 3.750.000 + ------ X F x R
For a given vineyard area (S ha) will be more profitable mechanical harvesting when it meets the following relation:
11.930 x 106
(6,0 to 12.0) x D x K x S = 3.75 million + ------ x S
x F x R 3.750.000
S> ---------------- 11,930 x 106
(6,0 to 12.0) x D x K ------- ax F x R



The Ampelography; the Greek Ampelos, vine and graphos, description, is the science that deals with the description of species, hybrids and varieties or cultivars of grapevine. It seems that the term "Ampelography" was first used by Count Odard, who was a notable collector of vines.
The study and description of the vine, its varieties (variants or varieties) and fruit. There is broad agreement that fixes the birth of ampelography around 1940, when Pierre Galet laid the foundation for the correct identification of the different varieties of grapes. Although there is no agreement on the exact figure, the number of variants of vines grown in the world is between 10,000 and 20.000.
Today, the object of this branch of science is the identification of species and varieties in order to differentiate between them by describing characters morphological (as to the form), physiological (concerning the performance), phenological (regarding periodic phenomena of plants) and agronomic.


Grape Types for Wine Development

Cabernet Sauvignon

Synonyms:Bidure, Marchoupet, Petite Vidure (France) Bordeaux (Romania) Bordeaux Red (Spain) Cabernet-Sovinjon, Lafi.
It is the most famous vineyard grapes worldwide. Bordeaux and Médoc specifically owe their fame and prestige.
It could also acclimate to areas as diverse as the Lebanese Bekaa plain, cold South Island of New Zealand or dry soils from Alicante in Spain, but is in Médoc and California, the two climatic extremes, where it reaches its optimum development Cabernet.
On the French, despite the rainy weather, the incredible drain Alluvium soil can retain heat from the gravel and matures strains (below), while the action of a moderate sun completes the development of the grapes ( above).
The California Cabernets, on the contrary, mature with strong sunlight without mist, high temperatures and abundant irrigation.

The result is high-grade wines (13% Alc.vol.), But with enough acidity and a distinct balsamic note, a touch of alcohol burn and accent the rapid maturation of the grape.
The Bordeaux is more elegant, complex and richer in nuance by the slow maturation, although the aromatic intensity is lower.
Production by strain is not only copious, but that the amount of wort is proportionally lower, due to the smaller amount of peels and, therefore, to the great abundance of phenolic compounds (color and tannins) compared with other varieties.
These features allow a greater and more secure in barrel and bottle aging, without the strain just lose color intensity and acidity.
The cluster is not too dramatic: tight grain, small, spherical and skin
Thick, black and dark blue.
Like the Muscat reveals his personality to chew the berry, although in the case of Cabernet, his features are detected in the skin.
The stalk of the bunch is practically zero, making it very difficult vintage, much more expensive costs of this operation also requiring long pruning.
The range of flavors that can be found in wines made based on this strain are: olives, currants, pepper, chocolate, snuff, cedar and mint.
Adult leaf
Widespread but with lower side lobes, overturned forward which gives funnel aspect, somewhat contorted, medium, orbicular, with blistered thick, deep green, glossy, deep pentalobada with latelares breasts, wide base and overlapping edges (perforated).
Small to medium, loose, medium taper, some tending to cylindrical.

Bluish black, spheroid, small soft-fleshed
Differential characteristics
Classically known two Cabernets, C. Sauvignon and C. Franc.
In this family should also consider the Carmenere and Cabernet Gros.
The Carmenere (widespread in Chile) is a form of Cabernet Franc, with deeply lobed leaves more and more loose clusters.
The Gros Carmenere is less colored buds and leaves less cut. Both are of little economic importance and quality wines produced not much higher compared with Cabernet Sauvignon and Cabernet Franc.
The cluster provides important differences.
The Cabernet Franc is bigger and especially fuller. The berries are larger.
At the end of January when the Cabernet Sauvignon is largely enverado (in regions such as Argentina), Cabernet Franc is still green.
Cultivation area
With a total area of ​​140,000 hectares., Occupies the 7th place worldwide. In France
mainly grown in the Bordeaux region (Medoc, Graves, etc.). Also
in Bulgaria, Chile, Romania, mainly in Piedmont Italy,
Argentina, Brazil, South Africa, Hungary, Spain, Greece, Morocco, Turkey,
Lebanon, Israel, Mexico, USA and Australia.

It is difficult to determine. It is believed that its origins are in the Midi and the area
Bordeaux in France and in the valley of the Ebro in Spain.
Leaves of medium size, deep green and glossy. The clusters are more rather small, black berries, small, round, thick, hard skin. The flesh is firm, with an astringent flavor.
Resistant to mildew and botrytis, very sensitive to oidium

Cabernet Sauvignon

Young shoot
Young shoot: form of tip:
Young shoot: distribution of anthocyanin coloration of tip:
Young shoot: intensity of anthocyanin coloration of tip:
Young shoot: intensity of anthocyanin coloration of tip:
Young shoot: density of prostrate hairs of tip:
Very high
Young shoot: density of erect hairs of tip:
No or very low
Shoot: attitude:
Semi erect
Shoot: attitude:
Semi erect / Horizontal
Shoot: color of dorsal side of internodes:
Shoot: color of ventral side of internodes:
Green / Green with red stripes
Shoot: color of ventral side of internodes:
Green with red stripes
Shoot: color of dorsal side of the knots:
Shoot: color of dorsal side of the knots:
Green / Green with red stripes
Shoot: color of ventral side of the knots:
Shoot: color of ventral side of the knots:
Green with red stripes
Young shoot: density of erect hairs of knots:
No or very low
Young shoot: density of erect hairs on internodes:
No or very low
Young shoot: density of prostrate hairs of knots:
No or very low
Young shoot: density of prostrate hairs of knots:
Young shoot: density of prostrate hairs of the internodes:
No or very low
Shoot: anthocyanin coloration of the buds:
No or very weak
Tendrils: distribution on the branch:
Discontinuous (2 or less)
Tendrils: length:
Tendrils: length:
Mid / Long
Young Sheet
Young leaf: color of upper:
Green / Green with tan areas
Young leaf: color of upper:
Young leaf: intensity of anthocyanin coloration of 6 terminal leaves:
No or very weak
Young leaf: density of prostrate hairs between veins:
Young leaf: density of prostrate hairs between veins:
High / Very High
Young leaf: density of erect hairs between veins:
Young leaf: density of erect hairs between veins:
Medium / High
Young leaf: density of prostrate hairs on main veins:
Young leaf: density of prostrate hairs on main veins:
Young leaf: density of erect hairs on main veins:
Young leaf: density of erect hairs on main veins:
Medium / High
Adult leaf
Mature leaf: size:
Small / Medium
Mature leaf: size:
Mature leaf: shape of blade:
Mature leaf: shape of blade:
Mature leaf: number of lobes:
Three / Five
Mature leaf: number of lobes:
Five / More than seven
Mature leaf: color of upper:
Medium green
Mature leaf: color of upper:
Dark green
Mature leaf: anthocyanin coloration of main veins on upper:
No or very weak
Mature leaf: anthocyanin coloration of main veins on lower side of blade:
No or very weak
Mature leaf: anthocyanin coloration of main veins on lower side of blade:
No or very weak / Weak
Mature leaf: lumps of limbo:
Mature leaf: lumps of limbo:
Absent / Present
Mature leaf: undulation of blade between main and secondary nerves:
Mature leaf: profile:
Mature leaf: profile:
Plano / warped
Mature leaf: blistering of the beam:
Mature leaf: blistering of the beam:
Medium / Heavy
Mature leaf: shape of teeth:
Of sides rectilinear / De sides convex
Mature leaf: shape of teeth:
Of sides convex
Mature leaf: length of teeth:
Mature leaf: length of teeth:
Medium / Long
Mature leaf: length of teeth in relation to its width at base:
Short / Medium
Mature leaf: length of teeth in relation to its width at base:
Mature leaf: shape of petiole sinus:
With slightly overlapping lobes / with strongly overlapping lobes
Mature leaf: shape of petiole sinus:
With overlapping lobes
Mature leaf: shape of base of petiole sinus:
In U
Mature leaf: particularities of petiole sinus:
No / Limited by the nerve near the point petiole
Mature leaf: particularities of petiole sinus:
Frequent presence a tooth on the edge
Mature leaf: shape of upper lateral sinuses:
With slightly overlapping lobes
Mature leaf: shape of upper lateral sinuses:
With strongly overlapping lobes
Mature leaf: shape of base of upper lateral sinuses:
In U
Mature leaf: density of prostrate hairs between veins (lower side):
Low / Medium
Mature leaf: density of prostrate hairs between veins (lower side):
Medium / High
Mature leaf: density of erect hairs between veins (lower side):
Low / Medium
Mature leaf: density of prostrate hairs on main veins (lower side):
Low / Medium
Mature leaf: density of prostrate hairs on main veins (lower side):
Medium / High
Mature leaf: density of erect hairs on main veins (lower side):
No or very low
Mature leaf: density of erect hairs on main veins (lower side):
Low / High
Mature leaf: hairs lying on main veins (beam):
Mature leaf: erect hairs on main veins (beam):
Mature leaf: erect hairs on main veins (beam):
Mature leaf: density of prostrate hairs of the petiole:
No or very low
Mature leaf: density of erect hairs of the petiole:
No or very low
Mature leaf: density of erect hairs of the petiole:
Low / Medium
Mature leaf: length of petiole compared to the central nerve:
Much shorter / Shorter
Mature leaf: length of petiole compared to the central nerve:
Same / Longer
Sarmiento: cross section:
Sarmiento: surface:
Sarmiento: general color:
Yellowish brown
Sarmiento: general color:
Yellowish brown / reddish brown
Sarmiento: lenticels:
Inflorescence: flower sex:
Inflorescence: number of inflorescences per pampano:
1 inflorescence or less / 1.1 to 2 inflorescences
Inflorescence: number of inflorescences per pampano:
1,1 to 2 inflorescences
Bunch: size:
Small / Medium
Bunch: size:
Bunch: compactness:
Medium / Compact
Bunch: length of peduncle:
Bunch: length of peduncle:
Medium / Long
Bunch: lignification of peduncle:
Berry: size:
Small / Medium
Berry: size:
Medium / Large
Berry: uniformity of size:
Berry: a:
Berry: a:
Elliptical short
Berry: cross section:
Berry: color of skin:
Berry: color of skin:
Berry: uniformity of color of skin:
Berry: bloom:
Medium / Heavy
Berry: bloom:
Berry: thickness of skin:
Berry: navel:
Berry: coloration of the pulp:
Not colored
Berry: juiciness of flesh:
Berry: firmness of flesh:
Berry: special flavors:
Berry: special flavors:
Special taste
Berry: length of pedicel:
Short / Medium
Berry: length of pedicel:
Berry: separation from pedicel:
Berry: presence of seeds:
Berry: length of seeds:
Berry: length of seeds:
Medium / Long
Time of sprouting:
Early / Middle
Time of sprouting:
Time of flowering:
Time of flowering:
Time of veraison:
Early / Middle
Time of veraison:
Middle / Late
Berry maturity flsiológica:
Middle / Late
Vigor of shoot:
Middle / High
Vigor of shoot:
Features must
Sugar content of must:
Sugar content of must:
Middle / High
Total acidity of the must:
Total acidity of the must:


Strain that comes from the region of Bordeaux, France.
After Cabernet Sauvignon is the grape variety most common worldwide.
This grape ripens relatively early.
Wine gives wine its light and color. It is very common in blends of wines in the region.
In dialect Bordeaux, Merlot means "petit oiseau noir ', ie small black bird, specifically in reference to the blackbird.
The fruit of this vine looks like this bird, as it presents a reddish-blue-black.
The Merlot grape is the first of the season at Bordeaux, time that coincides with the time that these birds eat its berries.
Although it seems to be of the same family Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc and Petit Verdot, balisca related to the Romans, not referred to the eighteenth century in the vineyards of Pomerol and Saint-Emilion, and not signaled its presence in the Médoc until the nineteenth century.
From the end of this century also dates its incorporation into the Helvetic canton of Tessin, Italian language, and extends posteriorly around the Northern Italy.
Today it is grown in 14 wine regions of this country, especially in the Venice area, where there is even a "Route Merlot".
Used to young wines, quite weak and, with exceptions, of average quality.
The first vines of Merlot were introduced by a character named Eloy Lecanda, who in the late nineteenth century, mix them for making wines that could be noted among the very Vega Sicilia.
The Merlot has always lived in the shadow of the renowned Cabernet Sauvignon, a grape considered complementary to mix with this and to a lesser extent Cabernet Franc.
Only reached remarkable proportions in the Saint-Emilion and especially Pomerol in Bordeaux.

Today however, it is common to find varietal strain, mostly young, who benefit from its great fragrance.
Is the wine aroma of cassis, red berry jam and violet.
The berry's skin is thinner than the Cabernet Sauvignon, desborra and matures earlier than this, not as intense or tannins, and its color is less deep and focused, although, in contrast, is rich in fruit and sugar.
Also reaches its peak well before the Cabernet Sauvignon.
One advantage of this variety is to be acclimated quite well to different soils (accepts better than Cabernet Sauvignon, wet clay soils) and different microclimates.
It is also appreciated for its performance, which has led her to be the sixth in the ranking by extension of all strains grown in France.
In Eastern Europe, Slovenia is the country that cultivates, Hungary produces sweet wines with good acidity and very fruity nose, and can be found in Romania and Bulgaria.
In the new wine regions, the most interesting examples come from Oregon, Washington and Columbia, USA.

Is prevalent in Chile and Argentina, where they are currently producing some fine wines.
The range of flavors that can be found in wines made based on this strain are: roses, fruit cake, spices, mint, chocolate, currant and plum
The Merlot has always lived in the shadow of the renowned Cabernet Sauvignon, as a strain suitable for mixing with strong tannins of the Cabernet.
Merlot is a very versatile grape.
It is generally mixed with many other grapes providing a smooth, delicious typical, smooth velvety fruit harder varieties such as Cabernet Sauvignon.
Today, however, is common to find varietal strain, mostly young, who benefit from its great fragrance.
The grape skin is thinner than the Cabernet Sauvignon, matures earlier and has such intensity in tannins.
Its color is less deep and focused, although, in contrast, is rich in fruit and sugar.
Merlot is also one of the most popular varieties of wine red in many markets, resulting in part from the relative ease in pronouncing the name of the wine as well as softer, fruity profile that make it more accessible to Some wine drinkers.
This popularity has helped make him one of the most planted grape varieties in the world.

Characteristics of the grape
The Merlot grape
Along with Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, Malbec and Petit Verdot, Merlot is one of the principal grapes grown in the Bordeaux wine region, which is the most widely planted grape.
The clusters are cylindrical, of medium size, with blue-black grapes.
The skin is thick and juicy flesh and tasty
Gives rise to very aromatic and fine wines.
The aromas of these wines are the red berries including raspberries, blackberries, cassis and so on., Red flowers, snuff, cherry, violet plus truffles and leather.
It requires fresh lands.
His budding is early, being sensitive to spring frosts and mildew.
In Spain it is grown mainly in the Ribera del Duero, Catalonia and Navarre.
Merlot are identified by their loose bunches of large berries. The color of the grape has less of a blue / black color than Cabernet Sauvignon and a thinner skin and fewer tannins.
The variety Merlot tends to have a higher sugar content and lower malic acid of the grape Cabernet Sauvignon, well.
The Merlot grape thrives in cold soil, particularly ferrous clay.
The vine tends to bloom in early to give a risk of freezing cold and the thin skin increases its susceptibility to decay.
Usually ripens two weeks earlier than Cabernet Sauvignon.
Water stress is also important to the vine as it grows in well drained soil, rather than at the base of a slope.
Pruning is an important element to the quality of wine, as is the age of the vine, with the largest vineyards contribute to the resulting wine character.
One of the characteristics of the Merlot grape is its tendency to over-ripen quickly once it reaches its initial maturity level, sometimes within days.
There are two schools of thought at the right time for harvest of Merlot .
Some winemakers early harvest in favor of maintaining the acidity of the wine better and finesse, and their potential for aging.
Others favor late picking fruit body and comes with a touch of over-maturity.

While a ripe Merlot tends to give you plenty of fruit flavors of plums, cherries and raspberries with a touch of mint and subtle spice, Merlot goes to green-green herbal flavors.

Some of the features you'll pick up several Merlot include:
Fruit - plum, cherry, black currant
Lightly oaked - vanilla, coconut
smoke, tar, oak - very oaked
Floral - violet and rose
Spices - mint, caramel, cloves, bay leaves
Bottle of age - the land of mushrooms, coffee, leather and snuff
  Main world producers

The most famous house Merlot is in the Bordeaux region of France.

Even the Medoc region, famous for its Cabernet has about 40 percent planted with Merlot grape variety.

The Merlot comes in third behind Carignan and Grenache as the variety most planted red grape in France.
It grows in northeastern Italy, is spreading through Eastern Europe and parts of the world can not produce enough new.
Some other producers include California Merlot, Romania, Australia, Argentina, Bulgaria, Turkey, Canada, Chile, New Zealand, South Africa, Switzerland, Croatia, Hungary, Montenegro, Slovenia and elsewhere in the United States as Washington and Long Island . It grows in many regions that also grow Cabernet Sauvignon, but tends to be grown in cooler parts of these areas. In areas that are too warm, Merlot will ripen too early.

Recommendations Pairings

The marriage of food and wine, Merlot diversity can lend itself to a wide range of matching options.
Cabernet Merlot as a couple and many of the same things that the Cabernet Sauvignon as well with grilled meats and charred.
Merlot A soft, fruity (especially those with higher acidity of the cold climate regions such as Washington state and northeastern Italy) share many of the same foods bonding affinities with Pinot Noir and go well with dishes such as salmon, plates based on mushrooms and vegetables like kale and chicory .

The light-bodied Merlot pairs well with seafood such as shrimp or scallops, especially if it is wrapped in a protein food such as bacon or ham. Merlot tends to not combine well with strong blue cheeses and can overwhelm the fruit flavors of wine. The itching of spicy foods can tend to accentuate the perception of alcohol in Merlot and more tannic and bitter taste.
Merlot wine is excellent with pastas, meats and even chocolate.
It has proved an excellent wine for all wine drinkers and is one of the few red wines than white wine drinkers can really appreciate.


Young shoot
Young shoot: form of tip:
Young shoot: distribution of anthocyanin coloration of tip:
Young shoot: intensity of anthocyanin coloration of tip:
Young shoot: density of prostrate hairs of tip:
Young shoot: density of erect hairs of tip:
No or very low
Shoot: attitude:
Shoot: color of dorsal side of internodes:
Green / Green with red stripes
Shoot: color of ventral side of internodes:
Green / Green with red stripes
Shoot: color of dorsal side of the knots:
Green / Green with red stripes
Shoot: color of ventral side of the knots:
Green / Green with red stripes
Young shoot: density of erect hairs of knots:
No or very low
Young shoot: density of erect hairs on internodes:
No or very low
Young shoot: density of prostrate hairs of knots:
No or very low
Young shoot: density of prostrate hairs of the internodes:
No or very low
Shoot: anthocyanin coloration of the buds:
No or very weak
Tendrils: distribution on the branch:
Discontinuous (2 or less)
Tendrils: length:
Mid / Long
Young Sheet
Young leaf: color of upper:
Young leaf: intensity of anthocyanin coloration of 6 terminal leaves:
No or very weak
Young leaf: density of prostrate hairs between veins:
Very high
Young leaf: density of erect hairs between veins:
No or very low
Young leaf: density of prostrate hairs on main veins:
Young leaf: density of erect hairs on main veins:
No or very low
Adult leaf
Mature leaf: size:
Medium / Large
Mature leaf: length:
Mature leaf: shape of blade:
Mature leaf: number of lobes:
Mature leaf: color of upper:
Dark green
Mature leaf: anthocyanin coloration of main veins on upper:
No or very weak
Mature leaf: anthocyanin coloration of main veins on lower side of blade:
No or very weak
Mature leaf: lumps of limbo:
Mature leaf: undulation of blade between main and secondary nerves:
Mature leaf: profile:
Edged into the beam
Mature leaf: blistering of the beam:
Mature leaf: shape of teeth:
Of sides rectilinear
Mature leaf: length of teeth:
Mature leaf: length of teeth in relation to its width at base:
Mature leaf: shape of petiole sinus:
Very Open
Mature leaf: shape of base of petiole sinus:
In U
Mature leaf: particularities of petiole sinus:
Mature leaf: shape of upper lateral sinuses:
With slightly overlapping lobes
Mature leaf: shape of base of upper lateral sinuses:
In U
Mature leaf: density of prostrate hairs between veins (lower side):
Very high
Mature leaf: density of erect hairs between veins (lower side):
No or very low
Mature leaf: density of prostrate hairs on main veins (lower side):
Mature leaf: density of erect hairs on main veins (lower side):
No or very low
Mature leaf: hairs lying on main veins (beam):
Mature leaf: erect hairs on main veins (beam):
Mature leaf: density of prostrate hairs of the petiole:
Mature leaf: density of erect hairs of the petiole:
No or very low
Mature leaf: length of petiole:
Mature leaf: length of petiole compared to the central nerve:
Sarmiento: cross section:
Sarmiento: surface:
Sarmiento: general color:
Reddish brown
Sarmiento: lenticels:
Shoot: density of erect hairs of knots:
No or very low
Shoot: density of erect hairs on internodes:
No or very low
Inflorescence: flower sex:
Inflorescence: level of the insertion of the 1 ª inflorescence:
3or 4th node
Inflorescence: number of inflorescences per pampano:
1,1 to 2 inflorescences
Inflorescence: length of the inflorescence:
Bunch: number of bunches per branch:
1,1 to 2 clusters
Bunch: size:
Bunch: length:
Bunch: compactness:
Bunch: number of berries:
Bunch: length of peduncle:
Bunch: lignification of peduncle:
Berry: size:
Berry: length:
Berry: uniformity of size:
Berry: a:
Berry: cross section:
Berry: color of skin:
Berry: uniformity of color of skin:
Berry: bloom:
Berry: thickness of skin:
Berry: navel:
Berry: coloration of the pulp:
Not colored
Berry: intensity of the color of the pulp:
Not colored or very weak coloration
Berry: juiciness of flesh:
Berry: must yield:
Berry: firmness of flesh:
Berry: degree of consistency of the pulp:
Berry: special flavors:
Special taste
Berry: classification of flavor:
Berry: length of pedicel:
Berry: separation from pedicel:
Berry: degree of separation of the pedicel:
Berry: presence of seeds:
Berry: length of seeds:
Berry: weight of the seeds:
Berry: transverse striations on the dorsal side of the seeds:
Time of sprouting:
Early / Middle
Time of flowering:
Time of veraison:
Berry maturity flsiológica:
Beginning of withering:
Color of leaf in autumn:
Dark red
Vigor of shoot:
Very High
Growth of grandchildren:
Length of internodes:
Diameter of internodes:
Resistance to iron chlorosis:
Resistance to Plasmopara viticola:
Degree of resistance to Plasmopara (leaf):
Very Low
Degree of resistance to Plasmopara (cluster):
None / Low
Powdery mildew resistance tuckeri:
Degree of resistance to Oidium (leaf):
Degree of the resistance to powdery mildew (cluster):
Very Low / Low
Resistance to Botrytis:
Degree of the resistance to Botrytis (leaf):
Very Low / Low
Degree of resistance to Botrytis (cluster):
Very Low / Low
Phylloxera tolerance vitifolii:
Degree of tolerance to phylloxera (gallícola):
Very high
Degree of tolerance to phylloxera (radicicola):
Very Low
Percentage of fruit set:
Weight of a cluster:
Very Low / Low
Weight of a berry:
Very Low
Weight of grape / ha:
Features must
Sugar content of must: